240618 Hill Letter ADVANCE Act Support Senate


June 21, 2024


To the Members of the U.S. Senate:

            The U.S. Chamber of Commerce supports the Accelerating Deployment of Versatile, Advanced Nuclear for Clean Energy (ADVANCE) Act of 2023.

            The ADVANCE Act would help accelerate the deployment of new nuclear technologies by creating incentives for next-generation reactor development and by reducing the cost of regulation. The bill would also help ensure operations at existing reactors are maintained by modernizing outdated investment rules and extending indemnification policies.

            To strengthen America’s nuclear fuel cycle and supply chain infrastructure, the ADVANCE Act would also direct NRC to enhance preparedness for qualifying and licensing advanced nuclear fuels and modernizing manufacturing techniques. Importantly, the bill would empower NRC to hire specialized staff and regularly review performance metrics to ensure timely and efficient licensing.

            We are pleased that this important bipartisan legislation to modernize the regulatory framework for nuclear technology has been included in S. 8780, the Fire Grants and Safety Act, that the Senate is expected to consider this week.



Marty Durbin

Senior Vice President, Policy

President, Global Energy Institute   

U.S. Chamber of Commerce

240618 Hill Letter ADVANCE Act Support Senate
