
January 12, 2024


What is "Natural Gas, Natural Advantage?"

Natural Gas, Natural Advantage (NGNA) is an initiative of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce that showcases the benefits that natural gas provides to the economy, environment and national security. Through targeted outreach at the state and local level, NGNA is educating Americans about the unique advantages of natural gas and advocating communities to support its continued use.

Why is natural gas important?

Natural gas is an abundant and affordable fuel that provides the United States with a unique advantage: promoting economic growth while also reducing emissions. This advantage translates to supporting jobs and our economy, improving air quality, and strengthening our national security.

Thanks to innovation in shale development, the United States has become the largest producer of natural gas in the world. The increased use of this fuel is benefiting American consumers and businesses by lowering energy bills and operating costs, improving air quality by reducing emissions, and bolstering U.S. national security by reducing our reliance on foreign energy.

How could a natural gas ban impact me?

Used for generating electricity, heating, cooking and more, natural gas serves nearly 69 million homes and 5.5 million businesses – including hospitals, schools and hotels – as well as 185,000 factories in the United States. The devastating impact of a ban on natural gas production on both the federal and local level can’t be overstated. Such bans will make heating and electricity more expensive and less reliable for countless businesses and consumers, and starve local communities of revenue that funds state and local governments and schools.

The Biden Administration’s recent proposal to impose an indefinite ban on new energy production on federal lands and waters will have serious consequences on consumers and communities across the country, especially in Texas, New Mexico, Louisiana, Colorado, and Wyoming. Over 12 percent of U.S. natural gas is currently produced on federal lands and waters.

How does natural gas support our economy?

From Main Street to the assembly line, natural gas provides consumers and businesses with the clean, reliable, and affordable energy needed to fuel our economy. In addition to providing high-paying jobs, U.S. natural gas production is lowering operating costs for businesses and manufacturers. This abundant and affordable supply has spurred billions of dollars in investment for American manufacturers over the last decade, as natural gas is used to create the thousands of products we rely on every day, including essential medical devices and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

How does natural gas benefit U.S. households?

As the largest source of electricity in the United States, natural gas is providing reliable energy, while saving Americans money. When used for heating, cooking and other home uses, natural gas saves American households about $900 per year. A ban on natural gas would threaten these savings by driving home heating and electricity prices higher.

How does natural gas improve our environment?

Over the past two decades, the U.S. power sector has increasingly relied on natural gas, which has helped to reduce emissions and improve air quality. Natural gas has prevented more CO2 emissions than any other any energy source – over 3.3 billion metric tons since 2006. This is because the fuel reduces emissions by as much as 50 percent when used for electricity and up to 33 percent when used for heating.

What role does natural gas play in our clean energy future?

In addition to reducing emissions, natural gas supports the expansion of renewable energy. Since natural gas generation can be quickly brought online, it serves as a necessary backup for renewable energy sources when the sun isn’t shining, or wind isn’t blowing. Without natural gas, expanded renewable energy use would increase energy costs and reduce reliability.

How does natural gas improve U.S. national security?

Natural gas is a strategic asset for the United States, enhancing our national security while reducing our reliance on foreign energy sources and potential supply disruptions. As the world’s top producer of natural gas, the United States has been able limit the need for importing the fuel from other countries, instead using natural gas produced right here. Record U.S. natural gas production therefore limits America’s exposure to, and reliance on, foreign countries that might not be acting in our best interest.

What is "energy security" and how does natural gas improve U.S. energy security?

Energy security is a country’s access to reliable and affordable energy. Because the United States is now the world’s largest producer of natural gas, we have access to an abundant source of low-cost energy. This substantial domestic supply of natural gas has therefore helped boost U.S. energy security to its strongest level in almost 50 years. Not having this supply makes nations dependent on others— such as Russia or the Middle East—for their energy sources.

Why are people opposed to natural gas?

Misinformation about the environmental impacts of natural gas use, along with a lack of understanding around the important role natural gas plays in our daily lives, has led some to believe banning natural gas use and infrastructure is necessary. On the contrary, limiting natural gas use through municipal gas bans or blocking pipelines threatens the economic, environmental and natural security advantages that the fuel provides.
