Dear Chairwoman Johnson and Ranking Member Lucas:
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce supports four bills expected to be considered in tomorrow’s full committee markup. Specifically, the Chamber strongly supports the following legislation that would drive innovation, support energy security and enhance America’s global competitiveness while reducing greenhouse gas emissions:
- H.R. 2986, the Better Energy Storage Technology Act or “BEST Act,” which would facilitate the research, development, and demonstration of next-generation grid-scale energy storage systems.
- H.R. 4230, the Clean Industrial Technology Act of 2019, which would promote innovation and enhance the competitiveness of domestic industries through the development of emissions reduction technologies for non-power industrial sectors.
- H.R. 5374, the Advanced Geothermal Research and Development Act of 2019, which would support innovation and the research and development of advanced geothermal energy resources.
- H.R. 5428, the Grid Modernization Research and Development Act of 2019, which would expand research, development, and demonstration activities aimed to enhance secure, reliable and resilient operations and management of the nation’s electric grid.
Collectively, these bills directly support the Chamber’s ongoing priority to identify and advance policies to make American energy cleaner and stronger. We commend the Committee for its important work, and urge it to favorably report the above bills to the full House. Spurring innovation across the energy sector remains a top priority for the Chamber, and we look forward to working with you, your colleagues, and Congressional leadership to ensure that comprehensive energy innovation and climate technology legislation is signed into law.
Neil L. Bradley
cc: Members of the Committee on Science, Space, & Technology