Energy Security One Pager


January 05, 2024


Natural gas is a key driver of economic growth in the United States, providing clean, reliable, and affordable energy to consumers and businesses alike.

As the world leader in natural gas production, the U.S. benefits from billions in savings, job creation, and the production of essential goods, all while supporting national security and reducing emissions.

Jobs and Economy

From small businesses to the assembly line, natural gas is driving economic growth. Every day, it provides consumers and businesses with the clean, reliable, and affordable energy needed to fuel our economy.

Natural gas saves American households and businesses billions of dollars per year. American families prefer natural gas as a reliable, safe, and affordable fuel source for their heating, cooking, and more.

Natural gas creates jobs. The United States is now the world leader in natural gas production—empowering the American manufacturing industry. This industry –supported by natural gas–provides high-paying jobs across our nation and creates thousands of essential products we rely on every day, ranging from pharmaceuticals and vaccines to fertilizers and plastics.

Now more than ever, it is critical that we protect American jobs—while ensuring our ability to rely on natural gas to assist in our economic recovery.

Natural gas provides a natural economic advantage.

Quick Facts

  • Families using natural gas this winter will save 21 percent on their energy bills compared to electric heating. (Consumer Energy Alliance)
  • 51 percent of Americans report that they would rather cook with gas, which is essential for many traditional cuisines and dishes. (NAHB)
  • Using natural gas for commercial and industrial purposes saved U.S. businesses more than $500 billion over the past decade. (AGA)

Reduced Emissions

Natural gas is the backbone of a clean energy economy. No other source of energy has been responsible for more CO2 reductions over the past 15 years in the United States than natural gas. Natural gas provides a solution to growing concerns about climate change and the future of our planet.

The US has reduced CO2 emissions more than any other country since 2005 due to fuel switching and backstopping intermittent generation like solar and wind. Natural gas plays a vital role in reducing U.S. greenhouse gas emissions and improving air quality. Natural gas is an essential partner to renewable energy that provides a backup energy supply when needed—allowing the grid to integrate more wind and solar energy while preserving reliability.

Quick Facts

  • Natural gas is the primary reason the U.S. has slashed CO2 emissions from the electric power sector by more than 900 million metric tons (MMT) since 2005—the equivalent of 237,000 wind turbines running for a year. (CRSEPA)
  • Roughly 40 percent of American electricity is now generated by natural gas (EIA). This shift has largely replaced older coal-fired power plants with cleaner-burning gas plants. (EIA)

National Security

Natural gas is a strategic asset for the United States. Abundant energy sources like natural gas benefit American national security by making us less dependent on foreign sources of energy.

Natural gas bolsters U.S. energy security by reducing our reliance on foreign energy. Today, rather than being relying on imports from unstable parts of the world, we use homegrown energy to meet our domestic needs. Natural gas also provides our allies with critically needed energy supplies, through gas exports that help reduce dependence on hostile and unstable regimes around the world. 

Quick Facts

  • U.S. companies provided 50 percent of Europe’s liquefied natural gas (LNG) supplies in 2022 while Russian gas shipments to the continent dropped by half in the same year. (Politico)
  • Europe remains the main destination for U.S. LNG exports, accounting for 61% of exports in December 2023. (LSEG)

Energy Security One Pager
