FINAL as Sent to SEC Joint Trades Comment Period Letter 4 5 2022


April 05, 2022


As you have highlighted in many contexts, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s (Commission) tripartite mission is to protect investors, maintain fair, orderly, and efficient markets, and facilitate capital formation. The rules crafted and enforced by the Commission are the vital foundation of the Commission’s critical mission objectives. The Associations, however, are concerned that meaningful public input into the rulemaking process, a pivotal element of ensuring that the Commission’s rules are appropriately tailored and that the Commission is meeting its statutory obligations and tripartite mission, is at risk of being lost in the Commission’s current rulemaking agenda. Sufficient time for meaningful public input into individual proposals and more holistically on the Commission’s rulemaking agenda and the possible interconnectedness of these proposals is vitally important and ultimately could have a significant impact on savers, investors, capital formation, and economic growth and job creation.

FINAL as Sent to SEC Joint Trades Comment Period Letter 4 5 2022
