Health Care

America has the most advanced health care in the world, in large part due to private sector-led innovation and employer-sponsored healthcare coverage.
While Americans benefit tremendously from ongoing advancements in bioscience, technology, and care, we continue to wrestle with the challenge of making quality health care more affordable, more accessible, and more reliable for all Americans. At the U.S. Chamber, we’re pushing for value-based healthcare solutions that reduce costs and reward quality outcomes.
The United States is currently grappling with a nursing shortage that is causing a ripple effect of rising health care costs and lower quality of life across the country.
Spotlight on Mental Health
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Our Work
The U.S. Chamber is promoting effective private sector solutions to our health care challenges. These solutions will help control costs, expand access, and improve the quality of care. We support policy that strengthens the employer-based model of coverage, through which 180 million Americans receive—and overwhelmingly like—their health care.
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This letter was sent to the Members of the United States Congress, on legislative priorities for the remainder of the 117th Congress.
This Hill letter was sent to the Members of the U.S. House of Representatives, opposing H.R. 7780, the "Mental Health Matters Act."
Campaign Representing Employer Voices Recently Released New Data Showing Significant Return on Investment
In support of the Protecting Americans’ Coverage Together (PACT) campaign, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce commissioned Avalere Health to estimate the return on investment (ROI) employer-sponsored health insurance (ESI) provides employers with 100 or more employees.
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Calls to waive IP rights would undermine medical innovation and our ability to respond to the next pandemic or other crisis.
"Any kind of Medicare for All plan, including a public option, is a recipe for chaos in the American healthcare system."
This Hill letter was sent to the Members of the United States Senate, supporting the Nomination of Robert Gordon to be Assistant Secretary for Financial Resources at the Department of Health and Human Services.