
September 26, 2024


May 23, 2024


In January 2025, the 119th Congress will be sworn-in with several looming policy challenges on the horizon, including the largest automatic tax increase in U.S. history if Congress doesn’t act.

To provide an outlook for the legislative battles ahead, the Chamber has convened congressional candidates, business leaders, policy experts, and former members of Congress for Free Enterprise Forums to discuss top policy issues facing American businesses, including the importance of growing our economy to create opportunities for every American.

Led by the Chamber’s senior political strategist, Ashlee Rich Stephenson, these events provide potential members of the next Congress and administration policy solutions they can embrace when they get to D.C. next year.

At the forums, candidates heard from Chamber executives and policy experts on a variety of key issues, including AI and the workforce, the U.S. trade environment, preserving tax competitiveness, and threats to free enterprise.

GROWING AMERICA'S FUTURE: See all our work on why competitive, pro-growth tax policy is essential(optional) Add additional images to showcase event highlights or speakers.

As the leading voice for businesses across America, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is committed to promoting policies that foster a competitive and pro-growth environment for our nation's economy. We believe that strong free enterprise is essential for the success and prosperity of our country.

That's why we hold events like the Chamber Free Enterprise Forum, where we bring together industry leaders, policymakers, and candidates to discuss important issues facing American businesses today. This forum serves as a platform for open dialogue and collaboration on how we can continue to support and grow our economy.

At this year's forum in May, we were honored to have eight congressional candidates join us: Jefferson Shreve (IN-06),

The spring forum held in May drew eight congressional candidates: Jefferson Shreve (IN-06), Tom Barrett (MI-07), Addison McDowell (NC-06), Derek Merrin (OH-09), Ryan Mackenzie (PA-07), Rob Bresnahan (PA-08), Rob Mercuri (PA-17), and Brandon Gill (TX-26). 

Candidates at the spring forum also heard from Brett Loper, Executive Director of the Peterson Solutions Fund, where he works to advance initiatives to stabilize America’s fiscal outlook, improve the performance of our nation’s health care system, and strengthen the pillars of our national democracy to support a growing, thriving economy over the long term.

Additionally, former U.S. Senators Roy Blunt (R-MO) and Pat Toomey (R-PA) spoke to the potential new Members of Congress on governing in today’s Congress. 

  • “In the last 12 elections, either the House, Senate, or White House has changed parties in 10 of those elections,” said Sen. Blunt. “The real policy that lasts in the country is the policy that has people on it from both sides of the aisle.” 
  • "For a period of almost 2,000 years – from the time of Julius Cesar to the time of George Washington – the western world doubled its standard of living once,” said Sen. Pat Toomey. “Since Washington to today, we discovered that if you adopt democratic governance, rule of law, the enforcement of private property rights, and you allow free men and women to decide how to arrange their economic affairs, we’ve been able to double the economic standard of living not once every 2,000 years, but once every 20 years.”

The September forum  convened a dozen candidates: Abe Hamadeh (AZ-08), Jeff Hurd (CO-03), Jeff Crank (CO-05), Mike Haridopolos (FL-08), Marlin Stutzman (IN-03), Mark Messmer (IN-08), Derek Schmidt (KS-02), Bob Onder (MO-03), Tim Moore (NC-14), Julie Fedorchak (ND-AL), Craig Goldman (TX-12), and Michael Baumgartner (WA-05).

The forum included a conversation with Neil Bradley, Executive Vice President and Chief Policy Officer at the Chamber,  on the Chamber’s recently launched Growth and Opportunity Imperative, which calls on candidates and elected officials to focus on policies that achieve at least 3% annual economic growth over the next decade, growing the economic pie for workers and helping to make the American Dream a reality for all.

Attendees also heard from Rodney Davis, Head of Government Affairs at the Chamber and former U.S. Representative for Illinois’ 13th congressional district. Davis, who previously led new-member orientation for members of Congress, spoke on the importance of hiring hardworking staff and developing strong relationships with colleagues across the aisle. 

The Chamber stands proudly with elected officials and candidates who support job creators and our workforce through durable, bipartisan policy solutions. The U.S. Chamber’s PAC has also supported each of these candidates with contributions. Learn more on how the Chamber is supporting pro-growth champions in 2024