Vice President and Managing Director, Regional Government Affairs, U.S. Chamber of Commerce
June 17, 2022
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce supports pro-business candidates who advance policies that fuel economic growth and exhibit a clear willingness to back free enterprise policy solutions. The U.S. Chamber understands that for the country to succeed, businesses need to succeed. That’s why the U.S. Chamber is committed to supporting bold and unwavering pro-business advocates.
“It is an honor to receive the U.S. Chamber’s endorsement,” said Dale Strong. Republican candidate for Congress in Alabama’s Fifth Congressional District. “We are seeing firsthand that record level inflation and the supply chain crisis are making it harder to feed our families. I have worked closely with chambers of commerce across our area because we cannot be successful unless we work together as a region. In Congress, I want to be part of that team in Washington and part of a new Conservative majority that will stop harmful policies and enact meaningful change.”
On June 16, the U.S. Chamber was in Alabama’s Fifth Congressional District for a series of campaign events for Dale Strong.
In coordination with the U.S. Chamber’s political team, the Southern Region office, the Business Council of Alabama, and the Strong campaign, the U.S. Chamber held a roundtable and an endorsement event.

The U.S. Chamber partnered with the Business Roundtable of Alabama for a roundtable event at the Huntsville Tractor & Equipment Company. It was well attended, and included representatives from Boeing, Hudson Alpha, Toyota, Huntsville Utilities, COLSA, and Dynetics. Strong spoke to those in attendance about economic and workforce development, education, energy diversification, and workforce competitiveness.
The roundtable was followed by an endorsement event at Huntsville Tractor & Equipment Company where Moore Hallmark presented Strong with the U.S. Chamber’s endorsement.

Strong’s endorsement was covered by AL.com, Alabama Political Reporter, Yellowhammer News, BGov, and WVNN News Radio.
About the authors

Moore Hallmark
Moore Hallmark is vice president of Regional Affairs and Advocacy for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.