
August 09, 2024


Washington, D.C. – The U.S. Chamber of Commerce announced its endorsement of Rep. Robert Aderholt to represent Alabama’s Fourth Congressional District. The U.S. Chamber endorses candidates for federal office who will stand up for free enterprise, including by vigorously advocating for public policy solutions that will spur economic growth, support jobs, and promote businesses of all sizes’ ability to continue to innovate and invest in America. 

"Congressman Robert Aderholt has been a relentless champion for job creators, main streets, and the workforce in Alabama’s 4th Congressional District," said U.S. Chamber of Commerce Vice President and Managing Director of Regional Government Affairs Moore Hallmark. "The Chamber is proud to stand with Rep. Aderholt and support his candidacy for Congress. We look forward to working closely together in the 119th Congress on behalf of initiatives that will create economic opportunity for all."  

“Like the U.S. Chamber, I’ve always worked to support small businesses in Alabama’s 4th District and across America,” said Rep. Aderholt. “It’s this shared interest in promoting and creating prosperity that makes it such an honor to have the Chamber’s endorsement for another term in Congress. This endorsement not only reaffirms the efforts and initiatives we have undertaken to foster a conducive business environment but also inspires us to continue championing policies that spur innovation, investment, and job creation. Together, we can ensure that our businesses, both large and small, have the tools and resources they need to thrive in an increasingly competitive global marketplace.

“In my next term, I will continue to work collaboratively with the Chamber and other key stakeholders to address the pressing challenges facing our economy. Our focus will remain on creating a vibrant economic landscape that benefits every single American in every corner of this nation. This endorsement is not just a testament to past accomplishments, but a call to action for the future, and I am eager to continue this important work with the support of the United States Chamber of Commerce.”