
September 23, 2024


WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. Chamber of Commerce announced its endorsement of candidate Sam Liccardo to represent California’s Sixteenth Congressional District. The U.S. Chamber endorses candidates for federal office who will stand up for free enterprise, including by vigorously advocating for public policy solutions that will spur economic growth, support jobs, and promote businesses of all sizes’ ability to continue to innovate and invest in America. 

"The U.S. Chamber is pleased to announce our support and endorsement for Sam Liccardo for California’s 16th Congressional District," said Jennings Imel, Vice President of the U.S. Chamber’s Western Regional Office.  “As mayor of San Jose, Sam proved to be a champion for small businesses and economic growth while demonstrating a commonsense approach to tackling tough issues – something that’s desperately needed in Washington.  We are proud to stand with Sam Liccardo and look forward to working together in the 119th Congress."

"I am relentless fighter for middle class values and economic prosperity,” said Liccardo. “My record as mayor of San Jose shows I'll bring people together and take decisive action to grow the economy, reduce the federal deficit, and create good-paying jobs."

“Sam Liccardo is exactly the kind of leader we need in Congress. Small business owners are being squeezed by rising costs, and Sam has a real plan to address the punishing cost of living,” said Maico Campilongo, a small business owner in Palo Alto. “There’s not enough housing for our workers to live nearby. Sam has a plan for that, too. Small business owners and their employees need Sam in Congress.” 
