
August 22, 2024


WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. Chamber of Commerce announced its endorsement of Rep. David Rouzer to represent North Carolina’s Seventh Congressional District. The U.S. Chamber endorses candidates for federal office who will stand up for free enterprise, including by vigorously advocating for public policy solutions that will spur economic growth, support jobs, and promote businesses of all sizes’ ability to continue to innovate and invest in America. 

“Congressman David Rouzer is a staunch supporter of businesses and a true champion of policies that help grow our economy,” said Clark Jackson, U.S. Chamber of Commerce Senior Director, Southeast Regional Office. “North Carolina’s Seventh Congressional District has enjoyed the benefits of an elected official who leads with integrity and delivers results. Rep. Rouzer knows the challenges our country faces with rising costs through inflation, and the toll it is taking on businesses and their employees. We need more leaders in Congress like Representative David Rouzer who are willing to stand up and do the right thing to support our nation’s job creators. The U.S. Chamber is proud to endorse him in his bid for reelection.”

“As families and businesses small and large face record-high costs, Congress and the Executive branch should be working to put in place energy, tax, and regulatory policies that facilitate the investment and innovation necessary to grow the economy and increase wages organically,” said Congressman Rouzer. “I’m proud to have earned the Chamber’s endorsement and look forward to continuing to work to help create a better business environment that improves the standard of living for families across North Carolina and the nation." 
