
September 18, 2024


WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. Chamber of Commerce announced its endorsement of Rep. Glenn Grothman to represent Wisconsin’s Sixth Congressional District. The U.S. Chamber endorses candidates for federal office who will stand up for free enterprise, including by vigorously advocating for public policy solutions that will spur economic growth, support jobs, and promote businesses of all sizes’ ability to continue to innovate and invest in America. 

"Representative Glenn Grothman has been a relentless champion for job creators, main streets, and the workforce in Wisconsin’s 6th Congressional District," said John Kirchner, Vice President with the U.S. Chamber's Regional Team. "The Chamber is proud to stand with Representative Grothman and support his candidacy for Congress, and we look forward to working closely together in the 119th Congress on behalf of initiatives that will create economic opportunity for all."

"President Calvin Coolidge said the business of America is business. America’s freedoms depend on a free-market economy unfettered by excessive government regulation or worse, government favoritism based on political ideology,” said Rep. Grothman. “I’m honored to be supported by the US Chamber and look forward to removing unnecessarily burdensome regulations on American businesses." 
