
September 17, 2024


WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. Chamber of Commerce announced its endorsement of Rep. Michael Guest to represent Mississippi’s Third Congressional District. The U.S. Chamber endorses candidates for federal office who will stand up for free enterprise, including by vigorously advocating for public policy solutions that will spur economic growth, support jobs, and promote businesses of all sizes’ ability to continue to innovate and invest in America.

“Congressman Michael Guest works tirelessly to ensure Mississippians have the opportunity to create their American Dream,” said Clark Jackson, Senior Director of the Chamber’s Southeast Regional Office. “He fights to cut regulations that can hold businesses back from reaching their potential and votes to keep taxes low so businesses can grow and hire more workers. The U.S. Chamber is proud to endorse Representative Michael Guest for reelection to the U.S. House of Representatives because we need more leaders like him in Washington.”

“I’m honored to be endorsed by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce as I work in Congress to help grow our economy with policies focused on reducing regulations, lowering taxes and creating an environment where more jobs and opportunities are available for all Americans,” said Congressman Michael Guest. 
