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While a flourishing business community and a competitive workforce drive our economy, the government sets the conditions for success. We work with leaders in business and government to create the certainty needed for businesses to hire, invest, and grow. It’s through sustained growth that people, communities, and our society will advance and thrive.
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The U.S. Chamber advocates for policies that foster business growth and innovation. Recognizing that meaningful, long-lasting policy requires buy-in from both sides of the aisle, we collaborate with lawmakers to advance bipartisan solutions. We also work across the three branches of government to enact smart regulation, a competitive tax code, a rational legal environment, a robust trade agenda, and investment in the future.
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Thomas J. Donohue, CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, issued the following statement on Presidential Transition: “In eight days, President-Elect Biden will take office in the midst of a raging pandemic and an economic downturn that has left 10 million Americans out of work. These challenges require the full attention of the new administration and Congress, and a smooth transition of power.
New panel discussion added to State of American Business event: “How Business Strengthens American Democracy”WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Chamber of Commerce issued the following statement and announcement today.“America must come together to confront the formidable challenges we face or give into the division and tribalism that increasingly defines our nation. The choice is clear, and as an institution we bet on America to come together and prevail every time.
Washington, D.C - Thomas J. Donohue, CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, issued the following statement today ahead of the counting of electoral votes on January 6th and expected political gatherings in Washington D.C.
From last summer’s national party conventions to the presidential inauguration next month, American ingenuity has led us through systemic shifts in how we participate in major political events.
This Key Vote Alert! letter was sent to the Members of the United States Congress, supporting the Senate Amendment to H.R. 133, the omnibus COVID-19 relief legislative package.
This Hill letter was sent to the conferees for the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021.
This Hill letter was sent to the Members of the United States Senate, supporting S. 4873, the "Reaching America's Rural Minority Businesses Act of 2020."
Today, the U.S. Chamber and Georgia Chamber of Commerce released a new $2 million issue advocacy campaign in the state of Georgia. The advertisement, titled “This Holiday Season,” thanks and encourages Senator David Perdue and Senator Kelly Loeffler to continue fighting for pandemic relief that has saved thousands of Georgia’s small businesses and jobs.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors today elected Chris Lofgren, Ph.D., former president and CEO of Schneider National, headquartered in Green Bay, Wisconsin, as chair for an 18-month term. Lofgren succeeds Maura W. Donahue, president of DonahueFavret Contractors Holding Company.