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While a flourishing business community and a competitive workforce drive our economy, the government sets the conditions for success. We work with leaders in business and government to create the certainty needed for businesses to hire, invest, and grow. It’s through sustained growth that people, communities, and our society will advance and thrive.
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The U.S. Chamber believes America needs a national priority for growth, driven by people through innovation and productivity and fostered through sound public policy. That's why we are outlining policies to help us reach the goal of 3% annual real economic growth.
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The U.S. Chamber advocates for policies that foster business growth and innovation. Recognizing that meaningful, long-lasting policy requires buy-in from both sides of the aisle, we collaborate with lawmakers to advance bipartisan solutions. We also work across the three branches of government to enact smart regulation, a competitive tax code, a rational legal environment, a robust trade agenda, and investment in the future.
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This Key Vote Alert! Letter was sent to the United States Congress, supporting S. 1273 and H.R. 2426, the Copyright Alternative in Small-Claims Enforcement (CASE) Act of 2019.
Elizabeth Warren was one of my best law-school professors, but her political ambitions seem to have suppressed her once-reasonable instincts, particularly regarding corporate regulation. One of her recent proposals, the Corporate Executive Accountability Act, would upend hundreds of years of U.S. legal tradition and wreak havoc in boardrooms. The proposal would make it a federal crime, punishable by up to a year in prison for a first-time violation, for corporate executives to “negligently permit or fail to prevent” violations...
This Key Vote Alert! letter was sent to the United States Senate, opposing S.J. Res. 53, which would repeal the EPA's "Affordable Clean Energy" (ACE) rule.
This letter was sent to the House Committee on Financial Services, on the committee's hearing on the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program and supporting H.R. 4634, the “Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2019.”
This Hill letter was sent to the United States Senate supporting the nomination of Barbara Barrett to be Secretary of the U.S. Air Force.
This Hill letter was sent to the U.S. House of Representatives, opposing H.R. 3, the “Lower Drug Costs Now Act of 2019.”
This letter was sent to the House Committee on Natural Resources, supporting S. 209, the “Practical Reforms and Other Goals To Reinforce the Effectiveness of Self-Governance and Self-Determination (PROGRESS) for Indian Tribes Act.”
Calling on all members to meet with local businesses and chambers of commerce to learn how enactment of USMCA will benefit their community
This letter was sent to Members of Congress calling for action on the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).
This letter was sent to the conferees for the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), opposing the inclusion in the conference report of H.R. 1033, the Return Expenses Paid and Yielded (REPAY) Act.