200713 fy21 transportationhousingurbandevelopmentappropriations houseapprops


July 13, 2020


Dear Chair Lowey and Ranking Member Granger:

As the Committee prepares to mark up the Fiscal Year 2021 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations bill, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce urges you to support full funding for all transportation programs to ensure much-needed investments to modernize America’s infrastructure. The Chamber recognizes the challenges in balancing a robust transportation budget and in undertaking nationwide infrastructure projects. Critical investments in these areas will help put Americans back to work and will contribute to the safety and reliability of our nation’s highways, rail, and waterways.

The Chamber supports $61.9 billion for programs funded from the Highway Trust Fund, consistent with H.R. 2. We encourage the Committee to maximize all available transportation resources by utilizing all revenue collected from transportation users into the transportation trust funds. These investments would support critical transportation improvements across the United States, providing for employment in the near-term as well as economic competitiveness in the future. We strongly support the Committee’s work and focus on key freight projects and believe that they can enhance exports and international trade

Additionally, the Chamber supports $200 million for Federal-State Partnerships and encourages funding support for state departments of transportation, airports, and transit agencies to ensure continuation of projects that might be jeopardized due to a temporary loss of funding in relation to the coronavirus pandemic.

A strong investment in repairing our nation’s aging infrastructure can help jump start our economy and put people back to work. The Chamber appreciates your consideration of these recommendations as you mark up the Fiscal Year 2021 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations bill.


Neil L. Bradley

cc: Members of the House Committee on Appropriations

200713 fy21 transportationhousingurbandevelopmentappropriations houseapprops