John Manchester John Manchester
Director, IP Policy, Global Innovation Policy Center (GIPC), U.S. Chamber of Commerce


February 26, 2025


American copyright-intensive industries are a cornerstone of economic growth, innovation, and job creation. The core copyright industries—spanning music, film, publishing, software, and more—drive prosperity at home and competitiveness abroad. A new report from the International Intellectual Property Alliance (“IIPA”) makes clear just how important these industries are to our economy.

By the numbers:

  • According to IIPA, the core copyright industries contributed over $2 trillion to the U.S. GDP, accounting for 7.66% of the economy in 2023.
  • These industries employed nearly 11.6 million workers, representing 5.43% of the U.S. workforce, with an average annual compensation of $141,880 (50% higher than the national average).
  • U.S. copyright exports reached $272.6 billion in 2023, surpassing major sectors like chemicals, agriculture, and aerospace.
  • In 2022, the core copyright industries accounted for 51.39% of the U.S. digital economy, contributing 49.1% to employment via the U.S. digital economy.

Zoom out: As IIPA’s report makes clear, the copyright-intensive industries are not just economic drivers—they are innovation leaders. From digital content to cutting-edge software, these sectors fuel the digital economy, accounting for over 51% in 2022.

The big picture: The copyright-intensive industries consistently outpace the broader economy in growth. Between 2020 and 2023, core copyright industries grew at an annual rate of 9.23%, nearly three times the U.S. economy’s 3.41% growth rate. This trend underscores their resilience and adaptability, even in challenging times.

What’s next: To sustain this momentum, policymakers must prioritize strong copyright protections and enforcement. As the Chamber previously noted, enacting smart policies that protect strong intellectual property rights – including copyright – are crucial to the growth of these industries. Addressing these challenges will ensure continued innovation, job creation, and global leadership.

Our take and the bottom line: America’s copyright industries are a testament to the power of creativity and innovation. By fostering a robust intellectual property framework, we can unlock even greater economic potential and secure America’s position as a global leader in the creative economy. Copyright industries are more than cultural icons—they are economic engines. Protecting and promoting these industries is essential to driving growth, creating jobs, and enhancing America’s competitive edge. That’s why the Chamber is working to ensure their success for generations to come.

About the authors

John Manchester

John Manchester