Review and outlook for business in Myanmar was introduced in 2017 by a report from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
Contained within the ASEAN Business Outlook Survey, the 2017 ASEAN Business Outlook Survey finds that U.S. companies maintain a steady sense of optimism about growth prospects and commercial opportunities in ASEAN. More than half of respondents (53%) report that ASEAN markets have become more important in terms of their companies’ worldwide revenue over the past two years, and 78% of executives project increases in 2017. Close to half of the surveyed companies (49%) expect to increase their ASEAN workforce by the end of 2016. The overwhelming majority of respondents (87%) expect that their companies’ level of trade and investment in ASEAN will increase over the next 5 years.
The survey showed that Myanmar had a high outlook for profitability in 2017 as 91% of those surveyed stated they expected their profits to increase.
Download the full ASEAN Business Outlook Survey.

Myanmar Associations in the U.S.
Myanmar American Chamber of Commerce
Myanmar- U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Related Event
On Monday, April 18, 2016, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the AMCHAM Myanmar Chapter of AMCHAM Thailand will host a webcast featuring U Kyaw Hoe, Chief Counsel for the NLD and member of the NLD Central Committee.
About U Kyaw Hoe
U Kyaw Hoe, who leads the HRMR’s Government Affairs and Litigation Practices, as well as serving as Managing Counsel of the firm, is a member of the National League for Democracy’s Central Committee, its Chief Lawyer, and the leading legal counsel of the NLD. He has represented Daw Aung San Su Kyi and U Nyan Win, the Secretary-General of the NLD, as well as its spokesperson.
Since 1979, he has defended the interests of both individuals and corporations in civil and criminal matters, including corporate and commercial litigation (corporate organization and investment registration, commercial/contract transaction, joint ventures), real estate (land & tenure, partnership, housing, land confiscation, agricultural development), intellectual property (trademark, copyright, industrial design and patent) disputes, labor and employment (employment contracts, union matters, structuring compensation), wealth management (trusts & estates, wills, division of property) and commercial arbitration. His practice has taken him to almost every corner of Myanmar, numerous times to appellate courts and to the Supreme Court, as well as before administrative government agencies. U Kyaw Hoe’s clients have included domestic corporations, individual businessmen, NGOs, civil society members, members of both chambers of Parliament including members of the NLD, as well as local and international media.
U Kyaw Hoe has advised numerous clients on the subject of risk management and approaches to litigation or arbitration in Myanmar. An expert in constitutional and human rights law, he has represented all the Myanmar ethnic opposition parties, leaders of the 8888 Generation movement, All-Burmese Students Democratic Front, All Arakanese Student and Youth Congress, Rakhine state groups and other political dissidents.
U Kyaw Hoe has trained over fifty Chambers and Legal Practitioners. He has published numerous trial lawyer manuals (e.g. Witness Examination, Custody Remand, Confession, Arrest, Custody, Searching and Taking, Trails in Jail, Prisoner’s Family, etc.), NLD election manuals, a court journalist legal manual, etc.. He received his Higher Grade Pleader (HGP) license in 1979 and Advocate License in 1980. U Kyaw Hoe is a graduate of Faculty of Law of the Rangoon Arts & Sciences University (LL.B 1977, B.A Law 1976).
He is fluent in written and spoken Myanmar and Mandarin Chinese languages, and speaks limited English.