Senior Director, Europe
Head, U.S.-UK Business Council
June 05, 2024
Honoring Our Shared History and Shaping Our Future in AI, Business, and Trade
President Biden’s State Visit to France this week comes at a moment of reflection for the transatlantic alliance. Biden will commemorate D-Day’s 80th anniversary alongside some of the heroes who stormed the French beaches. The solemnities in Normandy and the State Visit in Paris will reaffirm the enduring bond between the United States and our first ally, supported by our democratic ideals, robust economic partnerships, and unwavering commitment to defense and security.
Strengthening Transatlantic Relations
In the face of Russia’s unprovoked and illegal invasion of Ukraine, the transatlantic alliance remains critical. Continually strengthening our economic ties is an essential element of our shared security. Consider this: the transatlantic economy sustains 16 million jobs and contributes one-third of global GDP. It is not just a partnership; it is the largest commercial relationship in the world—one that binds us as close partners. With France alone, we share a $500 billion trading relationship.
Envisioning a Collaborative Future
Looking ahead, our vision extends beyond traditional boundaries. We see a partnership spanning critical sectors: artificial intelligence (AI), digital innovation, defense, energy, sustainability, life sciences, financial services, and more. Yet achieving this vision requires more than lofty aspirations. Europe must address its concerning trend toward overregulation and dismantle the discriminatory policies that hinder additional U.S. investment, innovation, and competitiveness. Our collective prosperity hinges on overcoming these obstacles.
Standing Shoulder to Shoulder
In today’s complex global environment, the imperative for robust collaboration between the United States and Europe is more critical than ever, particularly in the strategic sphere of AI. France’s recent diplomatic efforts to enter into an AI agreement with China have not gone unnoticed. As the global leader of AI innovation, the United States remains open and willing to working with like-minded partners. The discussions between President Biden and President Macron should lay the groundwork for a resilient and visionary tech alliance, one that will fortify our collective aspiration for unparalleled transatlantic technological leadership.
Honing Our Competitiveness
Our alliance is rooted in robust economic ties. President Biden's visit provides a platform to advocate for a transatlantic economy that is resilient, competitive, and visionary. Just as the unity witnessed on Normandy’s shores during WWII shaped the world, our joint commitment to economic collaboration can propel us forward. Together, we can shape a more competitive Europe—one that thrives in the face of global challenges and fosters prosperity for all.
Ensemble, avançons vers un avenir transatlantique prospère, guidé par notre héritage commun et notre passion pour l’innovation. Vive l’amitié franco-américaine!
About the authors

Jordan G. Heiber
Jordan Heiber leads the Chamber’s international privacy and data flow policy portfolio and manages a team responsible for the full suite of digital policy issues, including cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and more.