The United States-Mexico-Canada trade agreement is essential for our continued economic prosperity with our border nations. Trade with our North American neighbors supports nearly 12 million American jobs. We can’t afford further delays in enacting this agreement.
That’s why the Chamber urged Members of Congress to meet with local businesses and chambers of commerce to learn about the USMCA, and how it will benefit their districts as they prepared for their two-week district work period.
The Chamber was also out in full force around the country. We encouraged our members and supporters to send messages to their legislators telling them about the need for the USMCA.
As featured in Politico, we held 59 USMCA events alongside local businesses and chambers of commerce across 13 states. And we met with 36 Members of Congress, including 30 Democrats who are crucial to getting this deal passed.
Read or download our letter to Members of Congress below:
Dear Member of Congress:
As you begin this two-week district work period, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce urges you to focus on USMCA Now! by meeting with local businesses and chambers of commerce to learn how enactment of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) will benefit your community.
The next few months are critical for our economy and national prosperity. While many parts of the economy are strong, such as employment and wage growth, others are weakening, such as manufacturing and business investment. To keep our economy growing, it is imperative that our nation’s elected leaders take steps to restore certainty and boost business confidence.
One critical step is the prompt approval of USMCA. Mexico and Canada are our nation’s largest trading partners, with two-way trade supporting approximately 12 million American jobs.
A bipartisan consensus is growing about the importance of completing action on USMCA. U.S. Chamber members were pleased to see Speaker Pelosi last week make clear that “we’re moving ahead on the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement.” Similarly, U.S. Trade Representative Lighthizer has stated that progress is being made in resolving the few remaining outstanding issues with Congressional Democrats.
However, our economy cannot afford for enactment of USMCA to fall by the wayside, which is why we urge you to meet with local business leaders so you can see first-hand what enactment means to your constituents.
The Chamber will be tracking which members advance USMCA Now! via social media. We look forward to seeing your engagement with business leaders in your community using the hashtags #NoRestRecess and #USMCAnow. Above all, we look forward to swift passage of the agreement when Congress reconvenes.
For more information on October recess efforts to advance USMCA Now!, please contact Senior Vice President of Congressional and Public Affairs Jack Howard at or (202) 463-5683.