
February 07, 2022


WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Chamber of Commerce Executive Vice President and Head of International Affairs Myron Brilliant issued the following statement on news the U.S. and Japan reached a deal on the U.S. Section 232 tariffs on steel:

“The Chamber welcomes the relief today’s deal will offer American industries suffering from soaring steel prices and shortages, but further action is needed. When these tariffs were imposed in 2018, the Chamber warned they ‘would directly harm American manufacturers, provoke widespread retaliation from our trading partners, and leave virtually untouched the true problem of Chinese steel and aluminum overcapacity.’ All of that came to pass. This deal marks a step toward remedying these problems.

“Meanwhile, Section 232 tariffs and quotas remain in place on imports from many other countries. The U.S. should drop the unfounded charge that metal imports from the U.K., Korea, and other close allies represent a threat to our national security — and drop the tariffs and quotas as well.”