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Join the U.S. Chamber

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is the only organization that optimizes the relationship between government and business at scale, across the economy, and around the world.  

We know that when businesses are empowered to innovate and succeed, communities thrive, the economy grows, and our nation’s competitive strength in the world expands.   

We help leaders in government understand the needs of businesses of all sizes and support smart policymaking.  

We help our members navigate rising public policy risks and fight on their behalf. 

We believe in the power of American businesses to improve lives, solve problems, and strengthen society—and for over 110 years we have helped them do it. 


Our Story


For over a century, the U.S. Chamber has been a unifying voice dedicated to defending free enterprise and empowering businesses to serve people, provide solutions, and strengthen society. Learn more in this video.