September 07, 2022
On the latest episode of the Institute for Legal Reform’s Cause for Action Podcast, our own Jenn Dickey speaks with Archis Parasharami at Mayer Brown LLP about the U.S. Supreme Court’s important class-action ruling in TransUnion LLC v. Ramirez and its aftermath. The podcast coincides with the Institute for Legal Reform’s release of a research paper (authored by Archis and his colleagues Andy Pincus, Dan Jones, and Carmen Longoria-Green) that takes a deep dive into the decision and the first year of its implementation in the lower courts. Listen here or read the paper here.
About the authors

Jennifer Dickey
Jennifer B. Dickey is vice president and deputy chief counsel at the U.S. Chamber Litigation Center, the litigation arm of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Dickey handles a variety of litigation matters for the Chamber.