on the Record: Focus on the Facts
We created Chamber on the Record to ensure the facts about our organization, and the positions our members care about, prevail.

For over a century, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has been the voice of American businesses in Washington, across our nation, and around the world. Businesses of all sizes and sectors rely on us to speak clearly on the issues and the importance of the free enterprise system.
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U.S. Chamber members range from the small businesses and local chambers of commerce that line the Main Streets of America to leading industry associations and large corporations.
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Facts matter
For over a century, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has taken a stand to be the voice of American businesses in Washington, across our nation, and around the world. Our members and the 30 million small and large businesses across America have relied on us to speak clearly on the issues and the importance of the free enterprise system.
Latest Content
The United States-Mexico-Canada trade agreement is essential for our continued economic prosperity with our border nations.
Our position on climate change.
We here at the Chamber are often surprised to see news stories (like this one) that perpetuate the myth that business contributes to societal ills. The fact remains that businesses are the lifeblood of our economy and play an enormously positive and important role in society. The facts and figures tell the story. Here are a few examples:
Investment in modernizing and repairing America’s infrastructure is essential to our prosperity, competitiveness, and quality of life.
A look back at US Chamber CEO Tom Donohue’s 2019 business address, and what we’re doing to advance America's business priorities.
America’s relentless drive to innovate has helped us overcome some of the most complex challenges throughout our nation’s history.
“[USMCA] preserves and strengthens [our] trade ties and brings our commercial relationship into the 21st Century.”
Here’s a roundup of media coverage featuring quotes from Myron Brilliant on recent trade and tariff issues.
Here’s just a few of the many ways in which the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is working with the Trump administration to ensure a thriving American economy.
A recent article in The New York Times provides a fair assessment on the Trump Administration’s escalation of trade tensions with China.