In 2025, lawmakers must pursue comprehensive, industry-neutral solutions to maintain a pro-growth and globally competitive U.S. business tax system. At a minimum, Congress must:
Preserve Competitive Business Tax Rates: Maintain our globally competitive 21% corporate income tax rate and permanently extend the 20% deduction for pass-through business income (section 199A).
Restore a Pro-Growth Business Tax Base: Reform our business tax base by permanently restoring the deduction for research and development (R&D) expenses, full capital expensing for certain business assets (100% bonus depreciation), and a competitive (EBITDA-based) interest deductibility standard.
Maintain a Competitive U.S. International Tax System: Adopt strategic, industry-neutral reforms to preserve the competitiveness of the U.S. international tax system—for both U.S. companies operating abroad and foreign companies investing in the United States—while protecting our corporate tax base.