
Artificial intelligence working group

To educate the public and policymakers on the different types, uses, and policy challenges associated with artificial intelligence, and coordinate industry efforts to effectively advocate for a favorable policy environment.

Automated vehicles working group

Systems (ADS) and ADS-equipped vehicles, colloquially known as autonomous vehicles, have the vast potential to increase road safety, enhance mobility for the elderly and people with disabilities, and improve transportation efficiency across the nation. To meet this potential, we must focus on developing appropriate public policies as well as common industry safety standards and technology-neutral safety performance benchmarks. Also, public-private consortia, broad-based consumer education coalitions, and global standards bodies can play a critical role in building the trust necessary to test and deploy ADS-equipped vehicles at scale, and save thousands of lives in the United States.

Data privacy working group

To bring together members from all industry sectors with the goal of passing balanced federal legislation that protects consumers and promotes innovation. The Working Group also monitors state and local privacy legislation and works to develop evidence-based solutions to address the issue of consumer and government privacy.

Get the highlights from the American Data Privacy and Protection Act below:

Learn more about children’s privacy legislation, including the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule (COPPA), Children and Teen’s Online Privacy Protection Act, and the Kids Online Safety Act:


Digital transformation working group

During the pandemic, America has experienced an acceleration in digital transformation. Companies have had to rely further on the cloud and connectivity for remote work, and new technologies like extended reality (XR), identity management, and blockchain provide significant efficiencies to the business community. However, government IT has lagged far behind the private sector. From fulfilling vaccine deployment commitments to managing supply chains and distributing financial aid to small businesses and struggling households, government stumbles during the pandemic have highlighted how outdated government IT harms both the public sector’s ability to respond to a crisis and the public’s ability to receive vital assistance. Government must fully embrace cutting-edge technology and data analytics to generate the necessary resilience against future crises

Sadly, this problem existed way before the COVID-19 pandemic. For decades, federal and state IT infrastructure has woefully lagged the private sector. In fact, during the last decade, government agencies such as the Defense, Treasury, and Veterans’ Affairs departments have continued to use legacy hardware and software from as far back as the 1950s. This lack of investment and modernization has only been exacerbated by COVID-19 disruptions. The following are examples of how underinvestment in IT at both the state and federal levels have harmed the public:

  • Recently, the Federal Communications Commission admitted it did not have the technology to effectively map and deploy broadband funding.
  • The Small Business Administration’s loan processing system crashed twice in April of 2020.
  • Health agencies are still using paper filing instead of digital, making tracking much slower.
  • Connecticut’s website could not handle more than 8,300 unemployment benefits applications, “a fraction of the applications coming in.”
  • New Jersey had to put out a request for volunteers who know programming language from the 1950s that runs the state’s employee benefits system.

This transformation and investment must take place at every level of government, as digital collaboration and communication have become essential for cities, state, and federal initiatives.

A digital transformation is enabled by different kinds of technology:

Telecommuncations and E-Commerce

To educate policymakers, consumers, and businesses on the value of the digital economy and the elements necessary to power e-commerce such as data and connectivity and to advocate for policies that enable online and broadcast commerce to thrive.

New Aviation Entrant

To educate the public and policymakers about Unmanned Aircraft Systems—how they are used and why they are important and support policies that enhance C_TEC members’ ability to operate UAS’ in the US.