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Who's Who
Institute benefits from the diverse expertise of faculty members drawn from associations, chambers, and nonprofits, as well as business consultants and university faculty. This unique mix gives students a broad perspective to build success in their own organizations.
Please see below for Institute’s current faculty. For information on a faculty member not listed below, please email iom@uschamber.com.
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Institute Faculty
Crystal Allen Dallas, IOM, MSHAFounder and Chief Engagement Officer, Excel Business Concepts Sheila Amo, SPHR, CECCFounder & CEO, The Perry Perspective, LLC Lowell Aplebaum, CAE, FASAE, CPFCEO, Vista Cove Jeremy Arthur, IOM, CCEExecutive Director, Government & Economic Development Institute at Auburn University Amber Batchelor, IOMCEO & Managing Partner, Batchelor & Bradley Insights Group George Breeden, CAEChief Information Officer, Investment Company Institute Kyle ButlerSenior Manager, Programs, K-12 Education, U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation Adrian Cain, IOM, CCE, CFRECEO, Charleston and Hilton Head Area Home Builders Associations Sarah CastroExecutive Director, Programs, U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation Kate Conroy, IOMVice President, Member Engagement, Hospitality MN Alysia Cook, IOM, PCEDCEO, Opportunity Strategies LLC Cally D'Angelo, IOMFounder & Principal, Collective Edge, LLC Niki DaSilvaSenior Director, Policy and Programs, U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation Brian Dicken, IOMVice President, Advocacy & Strategic Initiatives, Toledo Regional Chamber of Commerce Andy DyeAssociate, Webster, Chamberlain & Bean Jason E. Ebey, IOMPresident & CEO, YGM Total Resource Campaigns, LLC Jim EcholsChief Executive Officer, Renaissance Community & Public Relations, LLC Mark Field, IOM, CCERetired, Knoxville Chamber Jaime FrancisVice President, Programs and Policy, U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation Brian FrancisPresident/CEO, Lumin Strategies Mike Gellman, CPA, CGMAPrincipal, Fiscal Strategies 4 Nonprofits, LLC and Sustainability Education 4 Nonprofits Zach GiglioCEO, Giglio Communications and Marketing Dede Gish-Panjada, MBAChief Operating Officer and Chief Consultant, Bostrom Dave GochPartner, Webster, Chamberlain & Bean Wade GoodsellChief Operating Officer, Executive Director WMC Foundation, WMC (Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce) Bill GrahamPresident, Graham Corporate Communications Pam Green, MBA, SPHR, PCC, ICCChief Executive Officer, Pamela J. Green Solutions Amy Hager, IOM, CAECEO and Founder, Amy Hager Solutions Kelly Hall, IOM, CCE, MBAPresident/CEO, Longview Chamber of Commerce Taylor HansenExecutive Director, Policy & Programs, U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation Matt Harrington, IOM, CAEExecutive Director, Southwestern Vermont Chamber Bob Harris, CAEPresident, NonProfitCenter.com Joe Henning, IOM, CAEPresident & CEO, Henry County Chamber of Commerce Cathi HightPresident, Hight Performance Group Dave Jochum, IOM, CCE, ACEChief Operating Officer, Longview Chamber of Commerce Terence JohnsonCEO, Proof Positive Training and Development Center Nina Johnson, EdS, LMSW, APTDFounder, NMJ Consulting, LLC Jim Johnson, IOM, CCEPresident / CEO, Pearland Chamber of Commerce Joseph Jones, IOMChief of Staff, Des Moines University Christine Kennedy, IOM, CCECOO/EVP, Lynchburg Regional Business Alliance Jakub Konysz, IOM, CAEFounder and CEO, Global Navigators Gary LaBranche, CAEChief Executive Officer, RIMS Brad Lacy, IOM, CCEPresident/CEO, Conway Area Chamber of Commerce Melissa LagowskiCEO/Founder, Big Buzz Idea Group Bill Lee, IOMPresident / CEO, 4th Element Leadership Megan Lucas, IOM, CCE, CEcDCEO & Chief Economic Development Officer, Lynchburg Regional Business Alliance Tiffany MaloneCEO/Principal Consultant, Bright Eye Coaching & Consulting, LLC Kelle Marsalis, IOM, CCEPresident & CEO, Plano Chamber Matt McCormick, IOM, CCEPresident, Columbia Chamber of Commerce Aaron MerchenDirector, Policy & Programs, Early Childhood Education, USCCF Center for Education Education and Workforce Chakisse NewtonPresident, Cardinal Consulting Douglas OFlaherty, IOMChief Operating Officer, South Carolina Restaurant and Lodging Association Avi OlitzkyPresident and Principal Consultant, Olitzky Consulting Group Justin PattonExecutive Coach, Justin Patton LLC William Pawlucy, IOM, CAE, MPAPresident, Association Options LLC Andrea Pemberton, SHRM-SCPTalent & Organizational Effectiveness Consultant, Arrowhead Consulting Dr. Markey Pierre, MBAVice Chancellor of External Affairs and Chief of Staff, LSU Health Shreveport Kuma Roberts, IOMPresident, Black Wall Street Chamber of Commerce Bob Rohrlack, IOM, CCEPresident and CEO, Tampa Bay Chamber Chris Romer, IOMPresident/CEO, Vail Valley Partnership Cecilia Sepp, CAE, ACNPPrincipal, Rogue Tulips Consulting Jeanne Sheehy, MBAChief Marketing Officer, Bostrom Sarah SladekFounder and CEO, XYZ University LLC Teri Smiley, IOMPresident & Owner, Starfish Partnerships, LLC Libby SpearsPresident, Bravo cc Anissa Starnes, IOMChief Impact Officer, YGM, LLC Marie Stravlo, IOM, CAEGovernance Gal/Founder, Association Development Services, LLC Chris Strong, IOMPrincipal, Westside Strategies Steve Swafford, IOMCEO + Balance Warrior, Leadership Outfitters Bob Thomas, IOM, CAE, CMP, CCECOO/Integrator, Michigan Chamber of Commerce Raymond P. Towle, IOM, CAEVice President, Federation Relations and Coalition Partnerships Dr. Denise TurleyVice President, Corporate Systems Josh VanadaStrategic Advisor & Coach, Josh Vanada, Leadership & Business Growth Coach Chris Wallace, IOM, CCEPresident/CEO, North Texas Commission Lisa Weitzel, IOM, CAEPresident & CEO, Illinois Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives (IACCE) Nika White, IOMPresident and CRO, Nika White Consulting Dale Wilsher, PCCLife & Leadership Coach, Your Authentic Personality Beth Ziesenis, IOM, CSPAuthor. Speaker. Nerd., Your Nerdy Best Friend