
General Information

Who can attend Institute?

The Institute curriculum is tailored to association, chamber, and other non-profit professionals. We welcome all and hope to see you soon!

Where is Institute located?

The Institute office is based in Washington, D.C., but our national program takes place at four different locations throughout the year in Arizona, Wisconsin, Georgia, and Pennsylvania, all on university campuses. Attendees represent states and organizations from all over the country. We offer lots more information about locations and dates.

How can I follow you on social media?

Institute has a presence on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Follow us to see photos from the Institute sites and find your fellow classmates. Check out the current hashtags #IOMeducates, #IOMfaculty, #TestimonialTuesday, #IOMblog, and #IOMwebinar, or our site-specific hashtags #WinterInstitute, #MidwestInstitute, #SoutheastInstitute, and #NortheastInstitute on any platform to see more of our content.

How can I find the Institute blog?

The Institute blog can be found on our program homepage. Each week it is updated with a new article written by an Institute faculty member, board member,  or other industry professional.

What is the monthly newsletter?

Our newsletter is a monthly email communication that includes announcements, important upcoming deadlines, and recent blog posts. You can sign up on our homepage.

What should I wear?

The dress code for Institute is casual, but the temperature at the different sites varies. We recommend bringing a sweater or jacket with you to class. The Graduation Ceremony is more formal. Typical attire includes dresses or slacks for women and suits or sports coats for men. More information on the recommended dress code can be found here.

What should I bring?

In addition to clothing and regular items you would bring for a business retreat, we recommend a notebook and materials to take notes with during class. If you find it distracting to bring a laptop or tablet to class, please print off the handouts and presentations prior to Institute. Online access to these documents will be provided before site begins.


Does Institute offer scholarships? How can I apply?

Various scholarships are offered and some may be available through your state societies as well. Find more information on the types of available scholarships here. Please note that each application requires applicants to upload a resume and two letters of recommendation. All documents must be submitted electronically. Please do not send documents to the Institute office.

When will I hear if I received a scholarship?

Scholarship applications are reviewed by a scholarship committee. Notification emails will go out before registration opens.

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How to Do Institute

What is the best way for me to complete Institute?

There is no wrong way to complete your Institute journey. We recommend the path that best suits your professional development and schedule.

What tracks does Institute recommend I do to complete my Institute journey?

There are two different tracks that we recommend: the Four & Two Year Paths.

The Four Year Path

This path is for those attendees who want to remain at the same site for their Institute journey. This is the “traditional” Institute experience and is the path taken by a majority of attendees.

The Two Year Path

This path is for those attendees who want to complete their IOM in an accelerated timeline. For this path, it is recommended to attend our Winter site and then one of the summer sites (Midwest, Southeast, or Northeast).

Fast-Tracker Discount 

A discount to be aware of when attending multiple sites in one calendar year is the fast-tracker discount.

Who It’s For: Any returning or first-year Institute attendee.
What You Do: Attend more than one site in the same calendar year.
What You Get: After you enroll for the first site at the regular enrollment price, you will receive a tuition discount of $300 for any additional sites attended that year.
How to Participate: Contact the Institute office at to receive the discount code.

- Jessica Capistrant, IOM - President/CEO of Phoenixville Regional Chamber of Commerce in Pennsylvania
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How much does Institute cost?

The early enrollment registration fee for members of the U.S. Chamber is $1,545 (non-members pay $1,995 during the early enrollment period). This cost includes tuition, materials, some meals, breaks, and receptions. Attendees are responsible for travel, housing, non-program meals, and incidental expenses.

How do I register?

Registration opens a few months before each site. Find more information about sites and registration timelines here.

How can I access my transcript?

To receive a copy of your transcript, email us at In the email, include your name and organization when attending Institute, as well as the years and sites you attended.

What should I know about discount codes?

All discount codes, including scholarships, must be applied at the time of registration. Email the Institute office at to receive your discount code and/or review your eligibility. Scholarship results will be announced before registration opens. The use of discount codes is only valid at the time of initial purchase/registration, and codes will not be accepted after registration has been submitted. Refunds will not be authorized for existing registrations under any circumstances. Learn about Institute’s enrollment policies and procedures.

What happens if I need to cancel my registration?

Cancellations can be made by logging into the registration form using the provided confirmation number. You will be charged a $50.00 cancellation fee for any cancellation. The remaining funds will be issued upon cancellation. If an attendee’s cancellation occurs within the 14 day window prior to site, a $250 late cancellation fee will be imposed. No-show attendees who fail to cancel within or before the 14 day deadline will forfeit all paid tuition.

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On-Site Information

How can I find the handouts and PowerPoints for my classes?

Handouts and PowerPoints are uploaded to the site website about one week before site begins. An email will be sent to all site registrants with the website address from which materials can be downloaded directly.

Can I attend more than one site in a year?

Yes, you can. If you decide to do so, please send us an email at and we’ll provide you with a discount code you can use when registering for additional sites during the same calendar year.

What is the daily schedule like?

Check out our inside look at a week of Institute. For more site-specific information, please check the site page that corresponds to your location. During the week, attendees will take a mix of core classes and elective classes beginning at 8 a.m. The general schedule will also provide you with a list of evening events.

How can I sign up for an industry consultation?

Attendees are encouraged to take advantage of the industry consultation program. While on-site, you will have the opportunity to meet one-on-one in a private setting with a subject matter expert and have a candid conversation about the topic of your choosing. Ask your class advisor how you can take advantage of this opportunity.

What is the makeup of association vs. chamber professionals at each site?

There is a mixture of both association and chamber professionals at all sites. The site with the strongest association presence is Northeast, due to its proximity to the association-heavy Washington, D.C. area. The site with the strongest chamber presence is Southeast.

Do I have to go to class?

To maintain the credibility of the IOM recognition and the 96 credit hours it represents, class attendance is recorded and taken seriously. At the completion of the program, participants will have earned 96 of the required 100 hours toward their Certified Association Executive (CAE) certification and 28 points toward their Certified Chamber Executive (CCE) certification. Participants must attend all classes to receive full credit toward their IOM recognition and required hours toward an industry certification. Please be sure your travel arrangements provide adequate time to complete all classes. Missed class time will result in required make-up work in order to receive credit. Please contact the Institute staff with questions.

Who teaches the curriculum?

Institute is taught by practitioners (association and chamber executives), consultants, university professors, and industry experts. View a complete listing of this year’s faculty.

Will there be tests?

There is no testing at Institute.

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Post-Site Information

Do you offer press releases for Institute attendees?

We do! Press releases can be found in our media toolkit. We encourage all attendees to fill out the press releases and distribute them to their members and local publications.

What does IOM mean?

IOM stands for Institute for Organization Management. After completion of the Institute program, attendees will have participated in 96 hours of nonprofit management course instruction. The IOM graduate recognition is a standardized way for program graduates to outwardly communicate their accomplishment. Every Institute graduate is eligible to use the IOM graduate recognition after his/her name in correspondences, email signatures, and other such situations. For more guidelines about how and when to use the IOM graduate recognition, read our Graduate Recognition FAQ page.

Can Institute classes count towards credit hours needed to sit for or maintain the CAE or CCE professional certification?

Yes, upon completion of the Institute program, Institute graduates receive 96 credit hours toward the CAE and 28 points toward the CCE.

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Glossary of Terms

Here we clearly define terms for all things Institute. Please reference the terms below and feel free to reach out to Institute staff at with any questions.

IOM: The recognition received upon program completion, plus the short form of the program name, Institute for Organization Management.

FastTracker: This term refers to an attendee who is attending more than one site within a calendar year and qualifies for our fast tracker enrollment incentive.

Class Level: Class level is where the attendee is in their Institute journey. There are four class levels in the program: first-year, second-year, third-year, & fourth-year. Class levels can be split depending on the size of the site, so it will show up as -2 (ex. 1-1 & 1-2).

  • First-Year: A person attending their first Institute site.
  • Second-Year: A person attending their second Institute site, following completion of their first year.
  • Third-Year: A person attending their third Institute site, following completion of their second year.
  • Fourth-Year: A person attending their fourth Institute site, following completion of their third year.

Volunteer Groups: Institute volunteers are graduates of the program and leaders in the association,  chamber, and nonprofit industries.  Volunteers act in an advisory capacity with the staff.  They share their expertise with attendees and serve as mentors, both on-site and throughout the year.

  • Class Advisors: Lead their assigned classes through the week’s activities, ensuring a quality educational and networking experience for all students. Class Advisors also serve as liaisons to Institute staff, faculty, and Board of Regents to help Institute run smoothly and effectively.
  • Board of Regents: Responsible for program promotion and recruitment at their designated site, in addition to overseeing the implementation of the on-site Institute week and ensuring a smooth flow of events.
  • Board of Trustees: Helps set the strategic direction of the Institute program. Trustees come from a wide variety of associations, chambers, and nonprofit organizations and often volunteer their time at the different Institute sites.
  • Curriculum Committee: Ensures that the curriculum is tied to the CAE and CCE bodies of knowledge while maintaining relevance to today’s issues.

Elective vs. Core: All Institute courses are required. Attendees select three two-hour electives of their choosing during the week.  Electives enable participants to delve deeper into specific areas of interest and choose courses tailed to their individual needs. Core classes are three hours each, and are assigned based on curriculum year.  Core classes ensure that all facets of nonprofit management have been covered upon completion of the program.

Scholarships: A variety of Institute scholarships are offered to participants each year. Each scholarship is evaluated with the same criteria and is awarded based on an evaluation of an applicant’s financial need, involvement in industry professional organizations, community service, and professional background.

Kickoff: This is the first time for all Institute participants to be gathered together.  Attendees will be welcomed by regent leadership, in addition to hearing a brief keynote from a select faculty member.

Graduation: This is the culmination of the Institute journey. Fourth-year participants will be recognized in front of all participants and will receive their IOM certificate.

Industry Consultations: This program provides the opportunity for participants to meet with a subject matter expert for a candid conversation on the topic of their choosing.  Consultations are offered in-person on-site, as well as virtually year-round.

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