
Release and Waiver

In consideration of being permitted to participate in the Institute program, the Participant releases and discharges the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, its directors, officers, and employees from any and all claims demands, actions, or damages of any kind arising in any manner from the Participant’s participation in the Institute program. The Participant also understands and assumes any risks associated with participation in the Institute program, and is at least 21 years of age at the beginning of the Institute week. To maintain high standards of scholarship and behavior, Institute reserves the right to reject or terminate an enrollment.


Cancellations must be made by contacting the Institute office at  A $50 cancellation fee will be charged and the remaining funds will be issued upon cancellation. If an attendee’s cancellation occurs within the 14 day window prior to site, a $250 late cancellation fee will be imposed. No-show attendees who fail to cancel within or before the 14 day deadline will forfeit all paid tuition.

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Attendance Policy

To maintain the credibility of the IOM recognition and the 96 credit hours it represents, class attendance is recorded and taken seriously. At the completion of the program, participants will have earned 96 of the required 100 hours toward their Certified Association Executive (CAE) certification and 28 points toward their Certified Chamber Executive (CCE) certification.

Participants must attend all classes to receive full credit toward their IOM recognition and required hours toward an industry certification.  Please be sure your travel arrangements provide adequate time to complete all classes.

Missed class time will result in required make-up work in order to receive credit.  Please contact the Institute staff with questions.

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Damage and Destruction of Property

Participants agree to be responsible for all damage caused to persons or property during the entire duration of Institute and to indemnify and hold harmless the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and its officers, directors, employees, agents, affiliates, successors, and assigns against and from any and all demands, damages, liabilities, and losses, or any pending or completed actions, claims, suits, complaints, proceedings, or investigations (including reasonable attorney’s fees and other costs or expenses) to which the U.S. Chamber of Commerce may be or become subject as a result or arising out of any negligent act or omission by the participant relating to his or her participation in Institute.

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Harassment and Behavior Policy

Institute for Organization Management expects meeting attendees to respect each other and behave in a civilized fashion. IOM maintains an environment that fosters learning and professional development for everyone who attends. Members should respect common-sense rules for public behavior, personal interaction, common courtesy, and respect for private property. If you would not do it in your home communities, please do not do it here.

Abusive, harassing, or threatening behavior (in person or via electronic means) towards any attendee, volunteer, faculty, or staff member (even those not present at a meeting) will not be tolerated. Harassing behavior will result in appropriate disciplinary action, which may include dismissal from the program with no reimbursement of expenses. Please promptly bring any concerns to the attention of a Class Advisor, a member of the Board of Regents, or a member of the Institute staff. We will do our best to resolve concerns quickly.

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Handling Concerns

Institute is intended to be a safe, educational, and productive professional development experience for all participants. Any concerns should be brought to the attention of a Class Advisor, a member of the Board of Regents, or a member of the Institute staff promptly. Institute will do its best to resolve concerns quickly.

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Handouts and Photocopies

Participants have online access to presentations, recommended reading, and handouts for registered classes. Institute will provide workbook style handouts only in the classroom. To honor the rights of the authors of these materials, Institute cannot make copies without proper authorization and copyright permissions and does not provide handouts to participants for courses they did not attend.

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Logo Usage

Use of the U.S. Chamber logo or seal is not permitted under any condition by participants in the Institute program. The Institute logo may be used only after receiving express written consent from U.S. Chamber of Commerce staff. Permission to use the Institute logo will be limited to specific cases, and the actual use must be approved in advance and in writing by Institute staff.

Upon consent, the Institute logo must only appear in blue (PMS color 286), black, or white and bear the registered trademark symbol. In addition, the logo cannot be distorted in any way. The following is not permitted under any circumstances: alteration of the logo; removal of elements or the trademark symbol; personalization; flipping, inverting, skewing, or stretching the logo; breaking apart or segmenting the logo; or adding elements.

The Chamber reserves the right to withdraw approval at any time.

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Institute follows the privacy procedures of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce through the website. The Chamber respects the privacy of its members. This privacy policy, which can be found at, covers the information the Chamber may collect about you and what use it may make of that information.

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Promotional Materials

By enrolling in Institute, participants grant Institute the right to use, in promotional materials, their likeness or voice as recorded on or transferred to videotape, film, slides, audiotape, or other media.

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Smoking is not permitted inside any building at Institute. Smoking is permitted only in designated outdoor areas.

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Wireless Communications

Electronic technology is allowed for classroom purposes to enhance learning.

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Institute for Organization Management is a continuing education program.  All participants are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner with regard to attire and appearance.

Classroom attire at Institute is business casual. Business casual is defined as follows:

  • Pants: Casual slacks, trousers and jeans without holes, frays, etc. Shorts, while permitted, are discouraged due to the temperature of classrooms.
  • Shirts: All shirts with collars, business casual crewneck or V-neck shirts, blouses, Institute class t-shirts, golf and polo shirts. Examples of unacceptable shirts include shirts with inappropriate slogans, tank tops, muscle shirts, camouflage and crop tops. Institute recommends bringing additional layers, as classrooms can be cold.

Graduation attire is cocktail attire. Cocktail attire is defined as follows:

  • Knee length dresses, slacks with blouses, or suits. For visual representation please visit Institute’s Facebook page.

For any questions related or pertaining to Institute’s policies and procedures, please contact the Institute office by calling 202-463-5570 or send an email.

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