

Institute for Organization Management is proud to offer a variety of scholarships to participants each year. Each scholarship is evaluated with the same criteria and is awarded based on an evaluation of an applicant’s financial need, involvement in industry professional organizations, community service, and professional background.

The application requires scholarship candidates to upload and electronically submit a resume and two letters of recommendation (one from your direct supervisor and one from a colleague or member). All documents must be submitted electronically. Please do not send documents to the Institute office.

All information must be submitted prior to the designated deadline to be considered for a scholarship. Scholarship recipients will be notified prior to registration launching.

To find additional resources regarding financial assistance, please take a look at Institute’s Enrollment Incentives section below.

All discount codes, including scholarships, must be applied at the time of registration. If you are applying for a scholarship, please do NOT register until after you’ve received your application results. 

Scholarships offered through Institute:

Institute’s National Scholarship
Any participant that is attending Institute for the very first time may be eligible for a National Scholarship. Each Institute site awards one scholarship worth $500 toward a first-year tuition. The applicant’s organization must be a member of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

Regent Scholarships
The Regent Scholarship Program provides financial assistance to both first-year and returning participants. Each year, these are awarded in varying amounts to assist with tuition. Regent Scholarships are made possible by donations from generous volunteers and participants to Institute site-specific silent auctions, and other on-site fundraising opportunities. All attendees are eligible for the Regent scholarship.

Please Note: The use of discount codes is only valid at the time of initial purchase/registration, and codes will not be accepted after registration has been submitted.  Refunds will not be authorized for existing registrations under any circumstances.

If you have questions about your eligibility for a particular scholarship program, please contact the Institute office at

State Partner Scholarships

Institute partners with state chamber of commerce executives associations (CCEs) and societies of association executives (SAEs) to provide scholarships for incoming first-year students.

Through the State Partner Scholarship Program, Institute provides one $500 scholarship to participating state CCE and SAE organizations that partner with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to market the Institute program to their members. The scholarships are intended to help participating CCE and SAE member professionals attend Institute for the very first time.

Scholarship recipients are chosen under the discretion of the state organization and are only available to first-year students. Scholarships assist with the cost of tuition only, and cannot be combined with other scholarships offered through Institute.

For more information about scholarship availability or to apply, please contact your individual state organization directly.

Become a State Partner

If your state organization is interested in becoming involved with the SPS Program, please contact the Institute office at

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Enrollment Incentives

Premier Investor Discount

Who It’s For: Members of the U.S. Chamber’s Association Committee of 100, Chamber of Commerce Committee of 100, Advantage or Elite members of the U.S. Chamber.
What You Do: Enroll members of your staff in Institute.
What You Get: First-year students receive a tuition discount of $570. Returning students receive a tuition discount of $300
How To Participate: Contact the Institute office at to receive the discount code.

Group Pricing

Who It’s For: Any returning or first-year Institute attendee.
What You Do: Enroll more than one student from your organization within the same calendar year.
What You Get: After the first student enrolls at the regular enrollment price, each additional student will receive a tuition discount of $300.
How to Participate: Contact the Institute office at to receive the discount code.

Fast Trackers

Who It’s For: Any returning or first-year Institute attendee.
What You Do: Attend more than one site in the same calendar year.
What You Get: After you enroll for the first site at the regular enrollment price, you will receive a tuition discount of $300 for any additional sites attended that year.
How to Participate: Contact the Institute office at to receive the discount code.

For more information on any of the incentive programs, please contact the Institute office at

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