
Overarching Policy Agenda

  • Facilitate dialogue between the U.S. private sector and the U.S. and Colombian governments to promote policies that contribute to increased bilateral trade and investment to stimulate economic growth, job generation, and sustainable and inclusive growth. 
  • Advocate for transparent and timely approval processes for licenses and permits, greater conformity between state and national rules, and consistent application of existing rules. 
  • Support the development of spectrum management that promotes timely and efficient investments in digitalization and connectivity for all. 
  • Advocate for regulatory harmonization, including greater recognition between phytosanitary and regulatory agencies, which would help increase two-way agricultural trade. 
  • Contribute expertise and best practices from diverse segments of the healthcare ecosystem. 
  • Share best practices and convene subject matter experts and the business community to advance sustainability goals and policies that enable investment and innovation.


Unlock Colombia’s potential to attract increased private sector investment by strengthening the rule of law through enhanced regulatory transparency, predictability and stability, accountability, and due process.

  • Engage in a regular dialogue with the Colombian government to seek resolution of barriers to investment affecting one or multiple sectors and to strengthen the rule of law.
  • Partner with the U.S. and Colombian governments to strengthen the conditions for investments in priority infrastructure and the development of a diversified and sustainable energy matrix.
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Promote the growth of the digital economy in Colombia through digitalization and expanded access to broadband with smart and forward-looking policies that support financial inclusion, increase transparency through digital government services, and incorporate SMEs and rural areas.

  • Advance dialogue and provide industry recommendations regarding measures to stimulate investments in high speed fiber, 4G networks and OpenRAN technology to lay the fundamentals for a 5G future.
  • Identify and support capacity building and policies to facilitate SME access and adoption of digital tools for e-commerce.
  • Promote bilateral cooperation to promote financial inclusion using digital tools.
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Increase bilateral trade and maximize the potential of the U.S.-Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement by reducing barriers to trade and promoting trade facilitation, regulatory coherence, and effective intellectual property (IP) protection.

  • Promote dialogue with the U.S. and Colombian governments to create conditions to increase two-way trade, including Colombia’s non-traditional agricultural exports, and addressing technical barriers to trade.
  • Develop policies that promote innovation while safeguarding security and IP rights is essential for fostering a thriving innovation ecosystem and positioning Colombia as an attractive FDI destination. 
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Foster the development of a resilient healthcare system through policies that promote innovation, competitiveness, investment, and the adoption of technology to generate stronger healthcare outcomes for the Colombian population.

  • Engage in dialogue with the U.S. and Colombian governments to encourage the adoption of concrete recommendations to strengthen the institutional capacity of relevant regulatory bodies.
  • Strengthen the environment for investments in healthcare infrastructure, innovation, research and development, and healthcare services.
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Engage with the Colombian Government in the development of a regulatory framework that will advance sustainable policy solutions that facilitate economic transition.

  • Advance dialogue with the Colombian government to provide industry recommendations to build and implement national policies that advance sustainability goals.
  • Promote public-private dialogue to support collaboration on energy transition and climate goals.
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