Initiative Indonesia is a dedicated Indonesia program with unmatched access, depth, and engagement on major policy issues ranging from digital economy to financial services, health care, investment, and others. It was developed to accommodate companies whose primary interest in Southeast Asia is Indonesia. Established in 2013, Initiative Indonesia is a joint program of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the American Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia (AmCham Indonesia). Members of the Initiative engage in ongoing dialogue with the Indonesian government to raise awareness of the benefits of U.S. economic activity for Indonesia’s growth and development. Initiative Indonesia is a partner in moving the country toward a more business-friendly environment by providing companies opportunities to (1) engage directly with the Indonesian government, (2) better understand Indonesian economic and political forces, and (3) gain greater access to one of the world’s largest and most dynamic —but also challenging—markets.

Southeast Asia Executive Director John Goyer greets Indonesia’s Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati during the 2019 U.S.-Indonesia Investment Summit in Jakarta.
Initiative Indonesia Membership Benefits
Premium Level
- Leadership role in setting the strategic direction of workstreams, including digital economy, innovation, financial services/fintech, energy, and agribusiness.
- Interview and branding for the annual Investment Report.
- Eligibility for a speaking role at the summit.
- Priority advocacy treatment.
- All executive-level benefits.
Executive Level
- Participation in the workstream of the member’s choice.
- Access to the summit.
- Eligibility for all missions and events in Jakarta and Washington, D.C.
- Access to all information, intelligence, and analysis.