Global Initiatives

Global Initiatives provide reliable and effective engagement with multi-lateral institutions, governments, and international business coalitions. We advocate for our members’ interests through direct high-level dialogues with global economic bodies.
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The Chamber is engaged in the global institutions that impact international businesses.
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Out of the total 605,000 deaths in Mexico in 2014, NCDs are accountable for 77% (465,850) and accidents and injuries contribute another 12%.
This report provides estimates of the economic cost due to productivity losses arising from absenteeism, presenteeism and early retirement due to ill health. For Brazil these losses equate to a total of 8.7% of GDP as shown in Table ES 1. This puts Brazil towards the upper end of the range for a group of 10 other countries that includes some of its Latin American peers as well as other middle income developing countries from other parts of the world.
Colombia suffers from a triple burden of disease with a focus on noncommunicable diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.
The U.S. Chamber's Global Initiative on Health and the Economy in cooperation with the South East Asia Team hosted a conference in Jakarta, Indonesia on May 15 to highlight opportunities and frameworks for greater private sector support for Indonesia's health care goals.
GBC relies on a simple, flexible and informal setup that allows its member associations to exchange genuine views and develop direct and trustworthy relationships. Decisions are taken by consensus and all GBC members benefit from the same rights. The overall policy leadership is ensured by a President, chosen from one of the member organizations and rotating every two years, or so. Coordinated action and implementation of GBC’s initiatives is ensured by sherpas.
The Global Business Coalition brings together leading independent business associations from the major world economies and advocates on behalf of more than 6.8 million small, medium and large companies. Established in 2012, GBC formerly known as the B20 Coalition), operates as a worldwide platform of exchanges between national business communities.
Buenos Aires, ArgentinaMarch 15th, 2018 Dr. Adolfo L. RubinsteinArgentine Health MinisterHealth G20 Working Group Chair Dear Minister Rubenstein: International business groups engaged in supporting the G20 objectives, have beenconsistent proponents of strengthening health systems as a vital part of economicinfrastructure in all major economies.
Gary Litman, Vice-President of Global Initiatives, participated in the G20 official workshop on resource efficiency convened by the German government in Berlin on March 15-18. The G20 is the only credible forum where resource extracting countries can talk to major consumers about industrial policies, and it intends to have a multi-year engagement to coordinate national policies. This work will be continued by the next president of the G20, Argentina.