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Global Initiative on Health and the Economy

The Global Initiative on Health and the Economy (GIHE) champions public health, trade, and regulatory policies that enable companies in the healthcare sector to deliver solutions that benefit people around the world. We spotlight the unique value of the private sector and advocate for investment in public health as a means to directly drive economic resiliency and growth.

Coordinated global action, with strong leadership from Capitol Hill, is critical to combating the threat of antimicrobial resistance (AMR).

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Countries seeking to improve equitable access to health products and technologies should look beyond local manufacturing.

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The Global Initiative on Health and the Economy


Increasing rates of chronic disease around the world coupled with the COVID-19 pandemic are having an alarming impact on public health, workforce productivity, global development, and economic growth. To reverse this trend, GIHE is championing health systems strengthening policies and private sector partnership to deliver solutions that serve individuals, support communities, and benefit countries around the world.

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