Strategic Advocacy
The Strategic Advocacy division is comprised of several major policy divisions within the Chamber including theCyber, Space, and National Security Division; Economic Policy Division; Employment Policy Division; and Small Business Policy Division. Environmental Affairs and Sustainability, Health Policy, and Transportation and Infrastructure Policy are also under the umbrella of the Policy Group.
The division works closely with the Chamber's Congressional and Public Affairs and Political Affairs and Federation Relations divisions.
Explore more
- Center for Global Regulatory Cooperation
- Cyber, Space, and National Security
- Economic Policy
- Employment Policy
- Environmental Affairs and Sustainability
- Global Initiative on Health and the Economy
- Government Affairs
- Health Policy
- Small Business Policy
- Tax Policy
- Transportation and Infrastructure Policy
- Federal Acquisition Council
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Our immigration policies sorely need updating to ensure that the U.S. remains the number one destination for the leaders of tomorrow.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Task Force on Climate Actions is open to all U.S. Chamber members.
The Nuclear Safety and Security Group (NSSG), established at the Kananaskis Summit in 2002 and responsible to Leaders, provides technically informed strategic policy advice on issues that could impact safety and security in the peaceful use of nuclear energy, in close cooperation with multilateral organizations and avoiding duplication of tasks or efforts that are being addressed adequately by existing organizations or entities.
The Nuclear Safety and Security Working Group (NSSG) wishes to raise to the Leaders of the G7 the attached nuclear safety and security issues in the peaceful use of nuclear energy.
The Chamber works closely with our nation’s lawmakers to facilitate durable, bipartisan approaches to combating climate change.
Comments submitted regarding the Small Business Runway Extension Plan of 2018 as published in the Federal Register on June 24, 2019.
WASHINGTON, D.C. — The U.S. Chamber of Commerce today released the following statement applauding the CEOs of the Business Roundtable for its updated “Statement on the Purpose of a Corporation.”
WASHINGON, D.C.—The Q2 Assessment of Business Cyber Risk (ABC) report released today by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and FICO recorded a National Risk Score of 688, a slight improvement over the previous quarter’s score of 687. Since last quarter, the average score for large firms rose from 643 to 649 and small firms moved from 740 to 736.