Strategic Advocacy
The Strategic Advocacy division is comprised of several major policy divisions within the Chamber including theCyber, Space, and National Security Division; Economic Policy Division; Employment Policy Division; and Small Business Policy Division. Environmental Affairs and Sustainability, Health Policy, and Transportation and Infrastructure Policy are also under the umbrella of the Policy Group.
The division works closely with the Chamber's Congressional and Public Affairs and Political Affairs and Federation Relations divisions.
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Bank regulation has curtailed the ability of community and regional banks to serve small businesses.
TO: The Honorable E. Scott PruittAdministratorU.S. Environmental Protection AgencyAttention Docket ID No. EPA- HQ-OAR-2017-0545EPA Docket Center, U.S. EPA, Mailcode: 28221T1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NWWashington, DC 20460 RE: State Guidelines for Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Existing Electric Utility Generating Units, Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2017–0545; FRL–9972–50–OAR, 82 Fed. Reg. 61507 (Dec. 28, 2017)
This letter was sent to Chairman Ron Johnson and Ranking Member Claire McCaskill of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee on February 26, 2018.
This letter was sent to Kimberly Bose, Secretary of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on February 26, 2018.
A coalition of businesses and trade associations, including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, on February 15 delivered a letter to the entire...
A strong relationship exists between the force for good through societal programs, such as ending human trafficking, and effective business strategies. Engagement benefits our communities and builds a more positive future that supports the following: Our core values: Active citizenship is one of Deloitte’s core values.
On February 20, 2018, the U.S. Chamber submitted the following comments in response to Notice 2018-13 issued on January 19, 2018.
After several months of relative inactivity, the union front group Fight for $15 reemerged on February 12...