Strategic Advocacy
The Strategic Advocacy division is comprised of several major policy divisions within the Chamber including theCyber, Space, and National Security Division; Economic Policy Division; Employment Policy Division; and Small Business Policy Division. Environmental Affairs and Sustainability, Health Policy, and Transportation and Infrastructure Policy are also under the umbrella of the Policy Group.
The division works closely with the Chamber's Congressional and Public Affairs and Political Affairs and Federation Relations divisions.
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- Center for Global Regulatory Cooperation
- Cyber, Space, and National Security
- Economic Policy
- Employment Policy
- Environmental Affairs and Sustainability
- Global Initiative on Health and the Economy
- Government Affairs
- Health Policy
- Small Business Policy
- Tax Policy
- Transportation and Infrastructure Policy
- Federal Acquisition Council
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This letter was sent to Chairman Brady and the members of the Committee on Ways and Means expressing the Chamber’s commitment to comprehensive tax reform.
This letter was sent to the members of the House Subcommittee on Health opposing any amendments that may be offered to the Food and Drug Administration Reauthorization Act of 2017 that would allow the importation of foreign pharmaceuticals into the United States or that would undermine the preemptive authority of federal food and drug regulations. The Subcommittee is marking up the bill tomorrow morning. May 17, 2017
On May 2nd, Senators Corey Booker (D- NJ) and Sherrod Brown (D- Ohio) sent letters to 10 airline CEOs...
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce today hosted the Fifth Annual Global Supply Chain Summit, Building Tomorrow's Networks Today, which brought together industry leaders from the public and private sectors to discuss issues influencing supply chains now and into the future. The summit, which took place during National Infrastructure Week, showcased the importance of technology and innovation to supporting supply chain efficiency, improving access to global markets for small and medium-size businesses, and driving economic competitiveness for all U.S. businesses.
This letter was sent to the Chairman Tim Walberg and Ranking Member Gregorio Kilili Camacho Sablan of the House Subcommittee on Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions in advance of the Subcommittee’s hearing entitled “Regulatory Barriers Facing Workers and Families Saving for Retirement.” The letter expresses the Chamber’s support for policies that encourage employment based retirement saving plans and investment in individual retirement accounts and outlines the Chamber’s policy recommendations – all of which can be found in greater detai
On May 16, 2017,he Chamber sent a letter to Senator Johnson and Senator McCaskill offering our support for S. 584, the Small Business Regulatory Flexibility Improvements Act.
On May 16, the Chamber submitted these written comments to the Department of Treasury in response to Executive Order 13789 issued on April 21, 2017.
OSHA recently reversed a controversial, albeit obscure, Obama-era policy that had opened the door for union organizers to accompany...
It takes technology and unique skills to match shipments with shippers and make supply chains work.
U.S. Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Thomas J. Donohue issued the following statement today regarding President Donald Trump’s executive order on cybersecurity: