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Protecting Americans' Coverage Together

The PACT coalition opposes disruptive changes that undermine health care coverage for the 180 million Americans who depend on employer-sponsored coverage.

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Protecting Americans’ Coverage Together (PACT) is a campaign aimed at strengthening support for the employer-sponsored insurance (ESI) system – the backbone of our country’s health coverage – while also raising awareness around the serious threats posed by a Medicare buy-in or public option.

PACT brings together a coalition of business voices united in support of strengthening and building upon the current ESI system.


Real Facts in Support for the Employer-Sponsored Insurance System

Nine facts about about strengthening support for the employer-sponsored insurance (ESI) system.

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A Medicare Buy-In or Public Option Poses Substantial and Direct Threats to the Nation's Health Care System

By shifting employees prematurely into Medicare or forcing them into an untested public health care option, millions of American workers and their families would lose the comprehensive coverage and quality care that they depend on for their health.

Worse, these policies would amount to a downward spiral for the private insurance market, leading to significant disruption across the health system at a time when stability is critically important.

The proposed policy changes are not a silver bullet for companies’ health care cost challenges, and employers would be better off encouraging policymakers to strengthen and enhance the current, reliable system that continues to be the driving force for health care innovation and reliability across the country.

Strengthening Employer-Sponsored Insurance: The Reliable Solution

ESI provides robust, affordable coverage for 180 million families and retirees. The flexibility of ESI allows companies to tailor insurance benefits and coverage to the needs of their specific workforce. This coverage includes broad, robust networks which provide access to major hospitals, academic medical centers and a variety of providers.

Congress recognized the critical role of the ESI program during the current COVID-19 public health crisis by providing funding support and assistance so American workers could maintain their health coverage.

What PACT members are saying

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