
Smart regulations give businesses the rules of the road so they can operate, innovate, and invest with certainty. Regulatory overreach, on the other hand, stifles growth and innovation. Getting this balance right is essential to driving solutions that improve lives and fostering a vibrant and dynamic economy that creates opportunities for people.
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Our Work
The U.S. Chamber works with governments at the state, federal, and global levels to create a regulatory environment in which businesses can innovate, compete, and thrive. From labor and finance to technology and energy regulations, we ensure the voice of business is represented in the rulemaking process. When rules are outdated, outmoded, or overreaching, we work to improve or eliminate them in the agencies, in Congress, or in the courts.
- Small BusinessC-Suite to Main Street: The Power of Failure in Building Business SuccessThursday, April 0312:00 PM EDT - 12:30 PM EDTVirtualLearn More
- EnergyCritical Minerals SummitWednesday, April 0909:00 AM EDT - 12:00 PM EDT1615 H Street, NW, Washington, DC 20062Learn More
- Intellectual PropertyGlobal IP SummitWednesday, April 0911:00 AM EDT - 04:00 PM EDTVirtualLearn More
Latest Content
Chamber coalition welcomes the Trump Administration’s efforts to streamline the permitting process, recognizing the transformative potential of reducing bureaucratic barriers to expedite investment in projects across the economy.
Durbin issued the following statement today re: the EPA's announcements to reshape major Biden Administration regulations, including Waters of the United States (WOTUS), Clean Power Plan, and air quality and vehicle standards.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce supports S.J.Res.28, a joint resolution disapproving the rule submitted by the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection relating to "Defining Larger Participants of a Market for General-Use Digital Consumer Payment Applications"
Withdrawing the greenhouse gas reporting and climate risk disclosure proposal for federal contractors represents a significant step toward promoting an environment that supports competition and efficiency.
U.S. Chamber statement regarding the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's final rule on Prohibition on Creditors and Consumer Reporting Agencies Concerning Medical Information (Regulation V).
U.S. Chamber of Commerce Center for Capital Markets Competitiveness Senior Vice President Bill Hulse issued the following statement today on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's Overdraft Lending rule
About half (51%) say compliance requirements make it harder for them to grow their business
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce opposes the CFPB's proposed data broker rule, calling it a regulatory overreach that could harm businesses and consumers.
FTC places strict requirements on subscriptions models which will lead to burdens on both consumers and businesses.
The FTC and DOJ’s final Hart-Scott-Rodino (“HSR”) Premerger Notification Rules could harm consumers and weaken America’s global economic leadership by imposing needless regulatory costs on routine transactions, disrupting capital flows, and reducing the ability of startups to obtain critical financing.