200519 s 3712 cyberleapact senatecommerce


May 19, 2020


Dear Chairman Wicker and Ranking Member Cantwell:

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce supports S. 3712, the “Cybersecurity Competitions to Yield Better Efforts to Research the Latest Exceptionally Advanced Problems (CYBER LEAP) Act.” This bipartisan bill would authorize several national challenges to address complex cybersecurity issues, including ways to build more resilient information systems and raise adversaries’ costs to carry out common cyberattacks.

The CYBER LEAP Act would foster new ideas and relevant solutions to meet an increasingly fierce cyber landscape that often pits nation states or their proxies against public and private institutions. This legislation would allow funding for challenges to be collected from multiple governmental and private-sector entities. It would complement prominent public- and private-sector calls for a cybersecurity “moonshot”—an initiative to push national cybersecurity goals without being prescriptive regarding specific innovations, actions, and outcomes.

Your leadership is crucial as the business community collaborates with policymakers to strengthen the cybersecurity of American businesses and governmental bodies against malicious actors. We look forward to working with you on advancing this bill and related issues that are critical to U.S. economic and national security.


Neil L. Bradley

cc: Members of the Senate Committee on Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation

200519 s 3712 cyberleapact senatecommerce