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Cyberattacks have increasingly affected both public and private entities. Those attacks underscore the need for coordinated action. The U.S. Chamber believes public-private partnership is critical to robust cybersecurity. Together, we must work proactively to make sure key cyber systems are always ready to handle increasing and evolving threats. When government works with the business community, we can enhance security, drive international collaboration, and hold malicious cybercriminals accountable when they violate domestic and international laws.
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We must discourage bad actors from hacking businesses because they believe that the costs to them will exceed their expected benefit.
When it comes to security, create a culture where caution is encouraged.
This letter regarding proposed updates to the Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity was sent to Edwin Games at the National Institute for Standards and Technology on Monday, April 10, 2017.
U.S. Chamber of Commerce Senior Vice President of National Security & Emergency Preparedness Ann M. Beauchesne today issued the following statement regarding the passage of the MAIN STREET Cybersecurity Act through the Senate Commerce Committee.
This letter was sent to Senators Thune and Nelson and copied to the full Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation in support of the “MAIN STREET Cybersecurity Act,” which was introduced this morning by Senator Schatz.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with the Salt Lake Chamber, today hosted a cybersecurity conference aimed at helping small and mid-size businesses develop, evaluate, and strengthen their cybersecurity programs.
America’s infrastructure is the safest investment our nation can make. But investing means more than tossing money at the problem.
Make no mistake about it – the aviation industry has been and will continue to be under assault from cyber criminals around the globe.
Working together, we can make—we must make—progress in strengthening our country’s cyber networks.