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Cyberattacks have increasingly affected both public and private entities. Those attacks underscore the need for coordinated action. The U.S. Chamber believes public-private partnership is critical to robust cybersecurity. Together, we must work proactively to make sure key cyber systems are always ready to handle increasing and evolving threats. When government works with the business community, we can enhance security, drive international collaboration, and hold malicious cybercriminals accountable when they violate domestic and international laws.
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Here are four major steps businesses should take to ensure their systems are secure during this period of heightened cyberattack threats.
As security ratings continue to mature, more organizations in the public and private sectors leverage them in making business and risk decisions. As a key piece of a robust security evaluation program, security ratings based on accurate and relevant information are useful tools in evaluating cyber risk and facilitating collaborative, risk-based conversations between organizations.
This Hill letter was sent to Members of the United States Senate supporting S. 3290, the “National Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) Supply Chain Database Act.” This bill is on the Legislative Leadership list for the “How They Voted” scorecard.
Businesses are increasingly being targeted for ransomware attacks, paying millions of dollars per year to cybercriminals to recover stolen data. Our cybersecurity experts break down what businesses need to know about ransomware, including what to do if your business is attacked.
This Hill letter was sent to the Members of the United States Senate on the substitute amendment to S. 2792, the “National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022."
EO 13984, Taking Additional Steps to Address the National Emergency with Respect to Significant Malicious Cyber-Enabled Activities
October 18, 2021 Via Marlene DortchSecretaryFederal Communications Commission45 L Street, NEWashington, DC 20554 Subject: Reply Comments Regarding Protecting Against National Security Threats to the Communications Supply Chain Through the Equipment Authorization Program (Docket No. 21‐232) Dear Secretary Dortch:
This Coalition letter was sent to the Members of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, the Senate Committee on Intelligence, and the House Committee on Homeland Security, on Cyber Incident Reporting.
This Hill letter was sent to the Members of the U.S. House of Representatives on the Fiscal Year 2022 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).
In September, President Biden nominated Alvaro Bedoya, privacy activist and head of Georgetown University’s Center on Privacy and Technology, to replace outgoing Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Commissioner Rohit Chopra.