230110 China Select Committee House


January 10, 2023


To the Members of the U.S. House of Representatives:

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce supports H.Res.11, “Establishing the Select Committee on the Strategic Competition Between the United States and China.” It is critical that we hold China accountable for their unfair commercial practices, use of economic coercion, and essential challenge to America’s national security and values. Regrettably, these economic and geopolitical perils are increasing in frequency and severity, and we support the U.S. government efforts to thoughtfully address them, including through the Select Committee.

The Chamber has documented Chinese practices that disadvantage U.S. businesses and undermine free enterprise and free markets globally in congressional testimony and through major reports we commissioned.[1]

[2] In particular, the Trump Administration cited this work in its Section 301 investigation into China’s unfair technology transfer and IP practices. We look forward to sharing this work with the Select Committee.

At a time when some advocates have failed to differentiate the areas of U.S. trade with China that pose no national security threat to the United States and in fact benefit U.S. companies, workers, farmers, and the broader economy with those areas that do pose a threat, we are pleased to see that the investigative jurisdiction with which the Select Committee is charged is appropriately focused on the threats to American security. 

The Chamber and broader business community stand ready to work with the Select Committee on its important work.


Neil L. Bradley
Executive Vice President, Chief Policy Officer,
and Head of Strategic Advocacy
U.S. Chamber of Commerce


“China’s Drive for ‘Indigenous Innovation’: A Web of Industrial Policies” (2010) https://www.uschamber.com/assets/archived/images/documents/files/100728chinareport_0_0.pdf 


“Made in China 2025: Global Ambitions Build on Local Protections” (2017) https://www.uschamber.com/assets/documents/final_made_in_china_2025_report_full.pdf

230110 China Select Committee House