Kelly Rosenblatt Kelly Rosenblatt
Former Senior Manager, Small Business Policy, U.S. Chamber of Commerce


February 10, 2020


Dr. Anton Bizzell leveraged over 20 years of experience in clinical research, health services, policy, and management to start Bizzell Group LLC, a business management and consulting firm in Maryland and Atlanta, in 2010. He is not only an accomplished physician, but an inspiring community member partnering with and serving as a medical officer for several organizations. Dr. Bizzell and his colleagues help their clients build sustainable and innovative communities with wisdom, compassion, and integrity.

Where is your company based and how many employees do you currently have?

We have three physical locations, in Lanham and Rockville, Maryland, and in Atlanta; we also have a growing team of employees working remotely across the country and overseas. I’m proud to say that starting from an office of two people, we are now approaching 100 employees.

Tell me about the inspiration for your business.

I absolutely loved being a physician, especially when I could help families facing substance use disorders. Over time, I saw the need to make changes at the larger system level; to look at how I could be part of informing and disseminating new evidence-based practices to providers, how I could look at coordination of care and quality improvement, and how I could incorporate exciting new technologies to make systems work better. I knew I wanted to be part of those larger changes, and I wanted to do it with a collaborative mindset that would always keep the patient or the consumer at the center of every solution. I worked as a Medical Officer for the Federal Government, and then wanted to take my combined medical, research, public health, and policy knowledge to think even bigger. I wanted to start a business that focuses on complex, exciting challenges that make peoples’ lives better.

What were some of the biggest challenges you faced while building your business?

Sustainability is a challenge for every business. It’s easy to form a niche business, but I knew I needed to think broadly as I moved beyond my original practice area of substance use disorders and behavioral health. I worked hard to assemble a team of top experts that could lead with me to affect change in every sector that impacts human lives, including health, defense, education, energy, labor, and international development.

When you think about business, entrepreneurship, free enterprise… What do those terms mean to you? Please answer by completing the sentence, “Business is…

Business is most successful when done with integrity, excellence, and heart. And success is when your end result makes the world a better place. I never lose sight of why I am doing this work and who I am doing it for.

What is the most rewarding part of running your business? What gets you out of bed every day to devote your time to this business?

I am energized by the talent and collaboration of our team. They are full of innovative ideas and passion for the work. The synergy is incredible!

How do you view your company’s role in your local community? How do you give back?

Our business is driven by our passion for real-world impacts, and we really live that passion in everything we do. It is in our DNA, and we can’t imagine it any other way. We make time for and truly value our partnerships with organizations in our community, like the March of Dimes, Boys and Girls Club, The Children’s Inn at NIH, Project Give Hope, and Community Law in Action Youth-Baltimore.

What’s the one piece of advice you would offer to someone preparing to start or lead a company?

Never lose sight of your values.

How important is growing and maintaining diversity in the business community in your view?

We live in a global economy. We are all interconnected in some way. Not only respecting, but inviting and welcoming diversity and listening to all of the voices in our community and in our world only makes us stronger. We intentionally cultivate that mindset in our company and in our approach to our work. As a business, it’s easy to settle into one way of doing things. We believe true diversity encourages synergy and new ways of thinking and problem-solving. And that’s good for our clients and for the community.

What do you think the future of business looks like for entrepreneurs in America?

This is an exciting time for entrepreneurs in America. In addition to leading your business with integrity, living your values, and cultivating a team of collaborators, you have to think larger. The new frontier for businesses is on the global front. Think about the fastest growing GDPs. Think of ways to leverage technology to make an impact. The internet has extended the reach of so many small businesses. We just have to reach up and grab the opportunities. The future looks bright!

About The Bizzell Group:

Established in 2010, The Bizzell Group (Bizzell) is a U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) 8(a) certified strategy, consulting, and technology firm that specializes in Administrative Support, Communications, Conference Management & Logistical Support, Data Analytics, Information Technology, Program & Project Management, as well as Technical Assistance & Training. Bizzell’s expert staff and consultants work on health, defense, workforce development, energy, transportation, education, research, global economic development, and innovation projects that meet national priorities.

About the authors

Kelly Rosenblatt

Kelly Rosenblatt

Kelly Rosenblatt is the former Social Media and Digital Operations Project Manager at the U.S. Chamber.