President, Defense and Aerospace Council, U.S. Chamber of Commerce
President, Federal Acquisition Council, Cyber, Space and National Security Policy Division, U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Vice President, U.S. Chamber of Commerce
June 02, 2021
OSD Update: Small business focus today. Kim Herrington has resigned from OSD to return to industry as he announced two weeks ago. OSD sees value in these calls and intends to continue the engagement. Guest speakers are to return in two weeks to enhance the value of these discussions.
DLA:June 8-9 DLA Aviation hosted virtual vendors days; June 9th DLA Distribution virtual day—PTACs discussion and distribution modernization update/plans will be on the agenda; Small Business monthly webinar 16 June 1-2:30PM; no update on accelerated payments option for DLA absent legislated infusion of funds for their working capital fund. Question raised about the next DLA textile forum usually held in November and would it be in person vice virtual as well as opening up for in face engagements more broadly? DLA responded that absent change in guidance all events remain planned as virtual and that visits for in person meetings remain restricted. Hope to have this changed soon.
DCMA: had a meeting recently on corrective action requests draft guidebook which they are still working; seven company COVID impacts but no closures—impacts due to employees testing positive; biggest challenge is for small businesses but to date impacts minimal across the DIB.
DTC: Tracking P&R vaccination memo which remains coordinated but not issued. DTC is confident the memo will eventually be issued.
Small Business:Army – as of today awarded $14.2B in contracts to small businesses and of that $3.8B awarded for COVID specific matters; Navy -- no one on line; Air Force -- as of today over $8B awarded to small businesses and of that amount about $4B directly for COVID matters. Air Force did say they are short of mid-year small business goals but expect to catch up this summer.
CMMC review and status of the program? OSD had nothing they could share at the moment. OSD is still collecting comments and currently have about 800 comments to date they are working through. It was noted that Congress, late June, is having a CMMC impact to small business hearing. May 13th associations letter specific to Afghanistan and those associations are still waiting to hear back from the Administration on planning post drawdown. Finally, industries who are providing contracted support to DoD need feedback on the pending reopening/reentry planning document and would like to be part of the drafting of that plan by providing OSD input. OSD commented that there have been various meetings on post Afghanistan drawdown and asked for a copy of the letter from the Associations.
P&R Memo: I asked about the delay in the P&R memo regarding DoD providing COVID vaccinations for DoD contracted individuals and their dependents working internationally. I stated that in my experience, something fully coordinated over two weeks ago but not yet signed was of concern. Although OSD A&S has been speaking on this matter, the OSD P&R representative today chimed in and asked her OSD A&S colleague to talk to her after today’s call. We were reassured that as soon as OSD A&S learns more we will be informed. I also reinforced the need for CMMC to be a topic of discussion in two weeks as we all need to know what the recommendations to the Secretary of Defense are for continuation/modification of the CMMC program. OSD agreed.
About the authors

Keith Webster
Keith Webster, president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Defense and Aerospace Council, guides the focus of the council to strengthen the U.S. defense and aerospace industries by influencing domestic and international policy on behalf of its members.