Watson M. McLeish Watson M. McLeish
Senior Vice President, Tax Policy
Curtis Dubay Curtis Dubay
Chief Economist, U.S Chamber of Commerce


September 19, 2024


A competitive corporate tax rate is crucial for fostering economic growth and attracting investment. When businesses face lower tax burdens, they have more capital to invest in operations, innovation, and expansion, leading to job creation and increased productivity.

Higher tax rates have the opposite effect on business growth and innovation. As such, proposals to raise the corporate tax rate not only jeopardize America’s global economic competitiveness but also deal a blow to American workers and families in the form of lower wages and higher prices.

Restoring America’s Economic Competitiveness  

In December 2017, Congress passed the landmark Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), the most comprehensive tax reform legislation enacted since 1986. The TCJA reduced and simplified the federal tax burden on American families and workers, and it substantially modernized America’s approach to taxing business income.  

Before the law’s enactment, the United States had earned the dubious distinction of being home to the highest statutory corporate tax rate in the industrialized world, which harmed our economy and pushed investment and jobs overseas. 

To help restore the global competitiveness of American companies and attract foreign investment to the United States, the TCJA permanently lowered the corporate tax rate by 14 percentage points, from 35% to 21%. In conjunction with the TCJA’s other pro-growth reforms, reducing the corporate income tax significantly boosted domestic investment, studies now confirm, while increasing economic growth and workers’ wages. 

Understanding the Economic Impacts of Higher Corporate Taxes  

Even with the TCJA’s historic reforms, however, U.S. corporations remain subject to an average combined federal-state statutory tax rate of 25.77%—higher than the current Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) average rate of 23.73%.  

It is, therefore, critical for policymakers to understand that any proposal to raise the current corporate tax rate would put U.S.-based companies at a disadvantage relative to their foreign-based competitors and increase the relative cost of business investment in America. But the harm wouldn’t stop there. Studies have shown that raising the corporate income tax would not only reduce economic output and wage growth but also increase consumer prices.   

It is for these reasons that public- and private-sector economists alike have consistently characterized raising the corporate income tax as one of the most detrimental and inefficient ways to fund government priorities. 

GROWING AMERICA'S FUTURE: See all our work on why competitive, pro-growth tax policy is essential

Breaking Down the Local Impacts on Workers and Families 

Recently some policymakers have expressed support for raising the corporate income tax to offset the cost of other priorities, with some proposing to raise the corporate rate from 21% to 28%. The damage this change would do to America’s global competitiveness is clear: with an average combined federal–state corporate tax rate of 32.5%, the United States would become the second highest-taxed country in the OECD (second only to Colombia). But what would this change mean for local businesses, workers, and their families?

Raising the corporate tax rate from 21% to 28% would increase federal tax revenue by an estimated $910 billion over the next decade. But where would that $910 billion come from? Businesses have only three options to pay for higher taxes: raise prices; reduce costs; or lower returns to investors. In reality, they do all three. Recent economic research shows that just over half the cost of higher corporate taxes is borne by consumers in the form of higher prices, with another 28% borne by workers in the form of lower wages and the remaining 20% borne by shareholders (which includes retirement accounts) in the form of lower returns.

Learn how a higher corporate tax rate would affect your local economy in our interactive map that can be sorted by state and congressional district. 

Local Impact of Higher Corporate Taxes 

Select a state and congressional district below to discover the impact of higher corporate taxes on the local economy.  

Click on a state for details

    The effects of raising the corporate tax rate to 28% in Alabama over 10 years

    • $2,548,380,519 in lost wages for workers
    • $5,812,527,481 in higher prices for consumers
    • $1,337,149,642 in lower returns to shareholders
    • $9,698,057,641
      Alabama's total 10-year cost of raising the corporate tax rate to 28%

      The effects of raising the corporate tax rate to 28% in Alaska over 10 years

      • $469,882,557 in lost wages for workers
      • $1,173,094,825 in higher prices for consumers
      • $242,025,615 in lower returns to shareholders
      • $1,885,002,996
        Alaska's total 10-year cost of raising the corporate tax rate to 28%

        The effects of raising the corporate tax rate to 28% in Arizona over 10 years

        • $4,528,939,207 in lost wages for workers
        • $9,967,463,500 in higher prices for consumers
        • $3,245,219,549 in lower returns to shareholders
        • $17,741,622,256
          Arizona's total 10-year cost of raising the corporate tax rate to 28%

          The effects of raising the corporate tax rate to 28% in Arkansas over 10 years

          • $1,485,889,383 in lost wages for workers
          • $3,476,698,014 in higher prices for consumers
          • $2,968,415,975 in lower returns to shareholders
          • $7,931,003,372
            Arkansas's total 10-year cost of raising the corporate tax rate to 28%

            The effects of raising the corporate tax rate to 28% in California over 10 years

            • $46,988,775,439 in lost wages for workers
            • $63,565,197,788 in higher prices for consumers
            • $24,629,506,999 in lower returns to shareholders
            • $135,183,480,226
              California's total 10-year cost of raising the corporate tax rate to 28%

              The effects of raising the corporate tax rate to 28% in Colorado over 10 years

              • $4,737,519,280 in lost wages for workers
              • $9,369,107,533 in higher prices for consumers
              • $3,710,065,147 in lower returns to shareholders
              • $17,816,691,960
                Colorado's total 10-year cost of raising the corporate tax rate to 28%

                The effects of raising the corporate tax rate to 28% in Connecticut over 10 years

                • $3,300,413,003 in lost wages for workers
                • $5,919,628,643 in higher prices for consumers
                • $3,638,784,234 in lower returns to shareholders
                • $12,858,825,880
                  Connecticut's total 10-year cost of raising the corporate tax rate to 28%

                  The effects of raising the corporate tax rate to 28% in Delaware over 10 years

                  • $888,020,532 in lost wages for workers
                  • $1,500,670,086 in higher prices for consumers
                  • $519,295,857 in lower returns to shareholders
                  • $2,907,986,475
                    Delaware's total 10-year cost of raising the corporate tax rate to 28%

                    The effects of raising the corporate tax rate to 28% in Florida over 10 years

                    • $15,091,340,675 in lost wages for workers
                    • $33,370,673,905 in higher prices for consumers
                    • $18,212,366,731 in lower returns to shareholders
                    • $66,674,381,311
                      Florida's total 10-year cost of raising the corporate tax rate to 28%

                      The effects of raising the corporate tax rate to 28% in Georgia over 10 years

                      • $7,655,818,504 in lost wages for workers
                      • $13,979,351,170 in higher prices for consumers
                      • $4,287,031,507 in lower returns to shareholders
                      • $25,922,201,181
                        Georgia's total 10-year cost of raising the corporate tax rate to 28%

                        The effects of raising the corporate tax rate to 28% in Hawaii over 10 years

                        • $812,854,203 in lost wages for workers
                        • $2,126,988,280 in higher prices for consumers
                        • $616,112,325 in lower returns to shareholders
                        • $3,555,954,808
                          Hawaii's total 10-year cost of raising the corporate tax rate to 28%

                          The effects of raising the corporate tax rate to 28% in Idaho over 10 years

                          • $808,066,888 in lost wages for workers
                          • $2,279,678,030 in higher prices for consumers
                          • $665,823,638 in lower returns to shareholders
                          • $3,753,568,557
                            Idaho's total 10-year cost of raising the corporate tax rate to 28%

                            The effects of raising the corporate tax rate to 28% in Illinois over 10 years

                            • $10,453,011,310 in lost wages for workers
                            • $18,475,416,618 in higher prices for consumers
                            • $7,427,407,432 in lower returns to shareholders
                            • $36,355,835,360
                              Illinois's total 10-year cost of raising the corporate tax rate to 28%

                              The effects of raising the corporate tax rate to 28% in Indiana over 10 years

                              • $4,093,951,298 in lost wages for workers
                              • $8,600,351,684 in higher prices for consumers
                              • $1,984,330,999 in lower returns to shareholders
                              • $14,678,633,980
                                Indiana's total 10-year cost of raising the corporate tax rate to 28%

                                The effects of raising the corporate tax rate to 28% in Iowa over 10 years

                                • $2,111,286,463 in lost wages for workers
                                • $3,931,165,252 in higher prices for consumers
                                • $1,123,228,884 in lower returns to shareholders
                                • $7,165,680,599
                                  Iowa's total 10-year cost of raising the corporate tax rate to 28%

                                  The effects of raising the corporate tax rate to 28% in Kansas over 10 years

                                  • $1,855,424,429 in lost wages for workers
                                  • $3,656,377,204 in higher prices for consumers
                                  • $1,339,616,517 in lower returns to shareholders
                                  • $6,851,418,149
                                    Kansas's total 10-year cost of raising the corporate tax rate to 28%

                                    The effects of raising the corporate tax rate to 28% in Kentucky over 10 years

                                    • $2,355,674,132 in lost wages for workers
                                    • $5,388,492,267 in higher prices for consumers
                                    • $1,411,148,713 in lower returns to shareholders
                                    • $9,155,315,112
                                      Kentucky's total 10-year cost of raising the corporate tax rate to 28%

                                      The effects of raising the corporate tax rate to 28% in Louisiana over 10 years

                                      • $2,019,031,935 in lost wages for workers
                                      • $5,603,705,209 in higher prices for consumers
                                      • $1,428,740,394 in lower returns to shareholders
                                      • $9,051,477,538
                                        Louisiana's total 10-year cost of raising the corporate tax rate to 28%

                                        The effects of raising the corporate tax rate to 28% in Maine over 10 years

                                        • $630,660,866 in lost wages for workers
                                        • $2,088,436,185 in higher prices for consumers
                                        • $649,289,736 in lower returns to shareholders
                                        • $3,368,386,786
                                          Maine's total 10-year cost of raising the corporate tax rate to 28%

                                          The effects of raising the corporate tax rate to 28% in Maryland over 10 years

                                          • $4,060,952,405 in lost wages for workers
                                          • $8,770,608,349 in higher prices for consumers
                                          • $3,076,599,022 in lower returns to shareholders
                                          • $15,908,159,776
                                            Maryland's total 10-year cost of raising the corporate tax rate to 28%

                                            The effects of raising the corporate tax rate to 28% in Massachusetts over 10 years

                                            • $8,276,974,306 in lost wages for workers
                                            • $12,114,912,736 in higher prices for consumers
                                            • $6,308,802,144 in lower returns to shareholders
                                            • $26,700,689,185
                                              Massachusetts's total 10-year cost of raising the corporate tax rate to 28%

                                              The effects of raising the corporate tax rate to 28% in Michigan over 10 years

                                              • $6,404,211,526 in lost wages for workers
                                              • $13,416,664,064 in higher prices for consumers
                                              • $4,275,533,304 in lower returns to shareholders
                                              • $24,096,408,894
                                                Michigan's total 10-year cost of raising the corporate tax rate to 28%

                                                The effects of raising the corporate tax rate to 28% in Minnesota over 10 years

                                                • $4,856,444,717 in lost wages for workers
                                                • $8,164,594,385 in higher prices for consumers
                                                • $3,085,213,939 in lower returns to shareholders
                                                • $16,106,253,041
                                                  Minnesota's total 10-year cost of raising the corporate tax rate to 28%

                                                  The effects of raising the corporate tax rate to 28% in Mississippi over 10 years

                                                  • $1,151,449,481 in lost wages for workers
                                                  • $3,152,214,054 in higher prices for consumers
                                                  • $526,702,225 in lower returns to shareholders
                                                  • $4,830,365,761
                                                    Mississippi's total 10-year cost of raising the corporate tax rate to 28%

                                                    The effects of raising the corporate tax rate to 28% in Missouri over 10 years

                                                    • $4,043,778,186 in lost wages for workers
                                                    • $8,115,433,506 in higher prices for consumers
                                                    • $3,613,338,662 in lower returns to shareholders
                                                    • $15,772,550,355
                                                      Missouri's total 10-year cost of raising the corporate tax rate to 28%

                                                      The effects of raising the corporate tax rate to 28% in Montana over 10 years

                                                      • $382,186,272 in lost wages for workers
                                                      • $1,575,128,836 in higher prices for consumers
                                                      • $565,467,678 in lower returns to shareholders
                                                      • $2,522,782,785
                                                        Montana's total 10-year cost of raising the corporate tax rate to 28%

                                                        The effects of raising the corporate tax rate to 28% in Nebraska over 10 years

                                                        • $1,184,483,567 in lost wages for workers
                                                        • $2,633,426,671 in higher prices for consumers
                                                        • $1,019,898,698 in lower returns to shareholders
                                                        • $4,837,808,935
                                                          Nebraska's total 10-year cost of raising the corporate tax rate to 28%

                                                          The effects of raising the corporate tax rate to 28% in Nevada over 10 years

                                                          • $1,811,817,039 in lost wages for workers
                                                          • $4,372,653,889 in higher prices for consumers
                                                          • $1,807,520,101 in lower returns to shareholders
                                                          • $7,991,991,029
                                                            Nevada's total 10-year cost of raising the corporate tax rate to 28%

                                                            The effects of raising the corporate tax rate to 28% in New Hampshire over 10 years

                                                            • $940,602,232 in lost wages for workers
                                                            • $2,293,324,072 in higher prices for consumers
                                                            • $907,876,056 in lower returns to shareholders
                                                            • $4,141,802,361
                                                              New Hampshire's total 10-year cost of raising the corporate tax rate to 28%

                                                              The effects of raising the corporate tax rate to 28% in New Jersey over 10 years

                                                              • $8,118,978,994 in lost wages for workers
                                                              • $15,036,711,346 in higher prices for consumers
                                                              • $5,798,925,786 in lower returns to shareholders
                                                              • $28,954,616,126
                                                                New Jersey's total 10-year cost of raising the corporate tax rate to 28%

                                                                The effects of raising the corporate tax rate to 28% in New Mexico over 10 years

                                                                • $751,105,658 in lost wages for workers
                                                                • $2,474,765,088 in higher prices for consumers
                                                                • $675,343,172 in lower returns to shareholders
                                                                • $3,901,213,918
                                                                  New Mexico's total 10-year cost of raising the corporate tax rate to 28%

                                                                  The effects of raising the corporate tax rate to 28% in New York over 10 years

                                                                  • $19,551,657,258 in lost wages for workers
                                                                  • $31,142,821,110 in higher prices for consumers
                                                                  • $15,681,719,122 in lower returns to shareholders
                                                                  • $66,376,197,490
                                                                    New York's total 10-year cost of raising the corporate tax rate to 28%

                                                                    The effects of raising the corporate tax rate to 28% in North Carolina over 10 years

                                                                    • $6,934,573,072 in lost wages for workers
                                                                    • $13,829,196,070 in higher prices for consumers
                                                                    • $4,290,014,348 in lower returns to shareholders
                                                                    • $25,053,783,490
                                                                      North Carolina's total 10-year cost of raising the corporate tax rate to 28%

                                                                      The effects of raising the corporate tax rate to 28% in North Dakota over 10 years

                                                                      • $424,954,259 in lost wages for workers
                                                                      • $1,108,247,753 in higher prices for consumers
                                                                      • $274,492,734 in lower returns to shareholders
                                                                      • $1,807,694,746
                                                                        North Dakota's total 10-year cost of raising the corporate tax rate to 28%

                                                                        The effects of raising the corporate tax rate to 28% in Ohio over 10 years

                                                                        • $7,751,457,225 in lost wages for workers
                                                                        • $15,174,601,222 in higher prices for consumers
                                                                        • $4,822,953,163 in lower returns to shareholders
                                                                        • $27,749,011,609
                                                                          Ohio's total 10-year cost of raising the corporate tax rate to 28%

                                                                          The effects of raising the corporate tax rate to 28% in Oklahoma over 10 years

                                                                          • $1,858,698,301 in lost wages for workers
                                                                          • $4,567,138,358 in higher prices for consumers
                                                                          • $1,132,554,093 in lower returns to shareholders
                                                                          • $7,558,390,752
                                                                            Oklahoma's total 10-year cost of raising the corporate tax rate to 28%

                                                                            The effects of raising the corporate tax rate to 28% in Oregon over 10 years

                                                                            • $2,662,542,181 in lost wages for workers
                                                                            • $5,976,212,428 in higher prices for consumers
                                                                            • $2,184,766,269 in lower returns to shareholders
                                                                            • $10,823,520,878
                                                                              Oregon's total 10-year cost of raising the corporate tax rate to 28%

                                                                              The effects of raising the corporate tax rate to 28% in Pennsylvania over 10 years

                                                                              • $8,836,634,350 in lost wages for workers
                                                                              • $18,824,341,856 in higher prices for consumers
                                                                              • $6,540,342,822 in lower returns to shareholders
                                                                              • $34,201,319,027
                                                                                Pennsylvania's total 10-year cost of raising the corporate tax rate to 28%

                                                                                The effects of raising the corporate tax rate to 28% in Rhode Island over 10 years

                                                                                • $586,097,958 in lost wages for workers
                                                                                • $1,561,085,572 in higher prices for consumers
                                                                                • $499,818,840 in lower returns to shareholders
                                                                                • $2,647,002,370
                                                                                  Rhode Island's total 10-year cost of raising the corporate tax rate to 28%

                                                                                  The effects of raising the corporate tax rate to 28% in South Carolina over 10 years

                                                                                  • $2,922,405,531 in lost wages for workers
                                                                                  • $6,597,750,454 in higher prices for consumers
                                                                                  • $2,060,885,970 in lower returns to shareholders
                                                                                  • $11,581,041,955
                                                                                    South Carolina's total 10-year cost of raising the corporate tax rate to 28%

                                                                                    The effects of raising the corporate tax rate to 28% in South Dakota over 10 years

                                                                                    • $367,150,465 in lost wages for workers
                                                                                    • $1,204,607,724 in higher prices for consumers
                                                                                    • $426,124,180 in lower returns to shareholders
                                                                                    • $1,997,882,368
                                                                                      South Dakota's total 10-year cost of raising the corporate tax rate to 28%

                                                                                      The effects of raising the corporate tax rate to 28% in Tennessee over 10 years

                                                                                      • $4,604,856,401 in lost wages for workers
                                                                                      • $8,818,261,408 in higher prices for consumers
                                                                                      • $2,781,089,508 in lower returns to shareholders
                                                                                      • $16,204,207,317
                                                                                        Tennessee's total 10-year cost of raising the corporate tax rate to 28%

                                                                                        The effects of raising the corporate tax rate to 28% in Texas over 10 years

                                                                                        • $21,124,301,520 in lost wages for workers
                                                                                        • $39,828,175,475 in higher prices for consumers
                                                                                        • $13,371,001,031 in lower returns to shareholders
                                                                                        • $74,323,478,025
                                                                                          Texas's total 10-year cost of raising the corporate tax rate to 28%

                                                                                          The effects of raising the corporate tax rate to 28% in Utah over 10 years

                                                                                          • $2,258,704,782 in lost wages for workers
                                                                                          • $4,402,321,194 in higher prices for consumers
                                                                                          • $1,148,811,823 in lower returns to shareholders
                                                                                          • $7,809,837,800
                                                                                            Utah's total 10-year cost of raising the corporate tax rate to 28%

                                                                                            The effects of raising the corporate tax rate to 28% in Vermont over 10 years

                                                                                            • $277,598,829 in lost wages for workers
                                                                                            • $974,654,354 in higher prices for consumers
                                                                                            • $458,626,718 in lower returns to shareholders
                                                                                            • $1,710,879,901
                                                                                              Vermont's total 10-year cost of raising the corporate tax rate to 28%

                                                                                              The effects of raising the corporate tax rate to 28% in Virginia over 10 years

                                                                                              • $6,559,848,432 in lost wages for workers
                                                                                              • $12,214,958,489 in higher prices for consumers
                                                                                              • $4,823,246,086 in lower returns to shareholders
                                                                                              • $23,598,053,007
                                                                                                Virginia's total 10-year cost of raising the corporate tax rate to 28%

                                                                                                The effects of raising the corporate tax rate to 28% in Washington over 10 years

                                                                                                • $7,451,812,894 in lost wages for workers
                                                                                                • $11,900,975,226 in higher prices for consumers
                                                                                                • $5,933,082,337 in lower returns to shareholders
                                                                                                • $25,285,870,457
                                                                                                  Washington's total 10-year cost of raising the corporate tax rate to 28%

                                                                                                  The effects of raising the corporate tax rate to 28% in West Virginia over 10 years

                                                                                                  • $633,553,655 in lost wages for workers
                                                                                                  • $2,132,654,765 in higher prices for consumers
                                                                                                  • $343,167,969 in lower returns to shareholders
                                                                                                  • $3,109,376,389
                                                                                                    West Virginia's total 10-year cost of raising the corporate tax rate to 28%

                                                                                                    The effects of raising the corporate tax rate to 28% in Wisconsin over 10 years

                                                                                                    • $3,901,132,484 in lost wages for workers
                                                                                                    • $7,847,441,457 in higher prices for consumers
                                                                                                    • $2,686,848,565 in lower returns to shareholders
                                                                                                    • $14,435,422,505
                                                                                                      Wisconsin's total 10-year cost of raising the corporate tax rate to 28%

                                                                                                      The effects of raising the corporate tax rate to 28% in Wyoming over 10 years

                                                                                                      • $234,683,573 in lost wages for workers
                                                                                                      • $823,242,737 in higher prices for consumers
                                                                                                      • $790,676,519 in lower returns to shareholders
                                                                                                      • $1,848,602,829
                                                                                                        Wyoming's total 10-year cost of raising the corporate tax rate to 28%

                                                                                                        The effects of raising the corporate tax rate to 28% in District of Columbia over 10 years

                                                                                                        • $1,039,411,825 in lost wages for workers
                                                                                                        • $1,556,332,426 in higher prices for consumers
                                                                                                        • $652,997,228 in lower returns to shareholders
                                                                                                        • $3,248,741,480
                                                                                                          District of Columbia's total 10-year cost of raising the corporate tax rate to 28%

                                                                                                        The U.S. Chamber of Commerce calculated the amounts by which raising the federal corporate income tax rate from 21% to 28% would result in higher prices for consumers, lower wages for workers, and lower returns to shareholders in every state and congressional district. We did so by first determining the amount of such a tax increase over 10 years. Using the Congressional Budget Office’s estimate that a 1% increase in the corporate tax rate raises $130 billion over 10 years, we assumed a 10-year tax hike in the amount of $910 billion. We then allocated 52% of this amount to consumers, 28% to workers, and 20% to shareholders. These percentages derive from the latest economic research on the incidence of corporate taxes on consumers, workers, and capital. See Scott R. Baker et al., Corporate Taxes and Retail Prices (Nat’l Bureau of Econ. Rsch., Working Paper No. 27058, 2023). Finally, we apportioned those amounts to each state and congressional district based on the percentages of goods and services consumed, wages earned, and shareholder returns received by residents of each state and district. 

                                                                                                        About the authors

                                                                                                        Watson M. McLeish

                                                                                                        Watson M. McLeish

                                                                                                        Watson McLeish is senior vice president for Tax Policy at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, where he serves as the primary adviser on all tax policy-related matters.

                                                                                                        Read more

                                                                                                        Curtis Dubay

                                                                                                        Curtis Dubay

                                                                                                        Curtis Dubay is Chief Economist, Economic Policy Division at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. He heads the Chamber’s research on the U.S. and global economies.

                                                                                                        Read more