190612 h r 2313 waysandmeans


June 12, 2019


Dear Chairman Neal and Ranking Member Brady:

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce supports H.R. 2313, the “Water Conservation Rebate Tax Parity Act.”

Under current law, gross income rebates provided by utilities to residential customers for purchasing or installing “energy conservation measures” are excluded from gross income.1 This bipartisan legislation would extend this tax treatment to include various water conservation measures.

Water scarcity is a growing concern in many regions across the United States. In preparation for or response to drought, consumers often proactively implement various water conservation technologies. These actions ensure a more sustainable water supply that communities and businesses depend on. H.R. 2313 would level the playing field with comparable rebates for energy conservation.

Thank you for your consideration. We urge swift consideration and passage of this important legislation.


Neil L. Bradley

cc: Members of the House Committee on Ways and Means

[1] 26 U.S.C. § 136 (a) provides: “Gross income shall not include the value of any subsidy provided (directly or indirectly) by a public utility to a customer for the purchase or installation of any energy conservation measure.”

190612 h r 2313 waysandmeans