September 6, 2017
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce supports H.R. 3388, the “SELF DRIVE Act,” which would clarify the federal role in regulating autonomous vehicles, preventing a patchwork of state regulations by providing for federal preemption and giving the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration rulemaking authority.
Self-driving vehicles present tremendous opportunities for consumers, businesses, and the U.S. economy by making travel safer, enhancing productivity, and increase transportation efficiency.
However, regulatory and other barriers can impede the development of self-driving vehicles. This legislation is a critical step towards capitalizing on the potential of this technology in a manner that is technologically neutral, that promotes coordination, and that supports innovation and market competition.
The Chamber Technology Engagement Center (C_TEC) policy hub convened an autonomous vehicle working group representing sectors across the economy to help guide policymakers, regulators, the public at large and the business community on the benefits of self-driving vehicle technologies. We appreciate the opportunity to provide input as this legislation was developed.
The Chamber commends the bill’s sponsors and the Energy and Commerce Committee for their strong, bipartisan leadership on this issue. The Chamber urges you to support H.R. 3388.
Jack Howard