220411 H R 3711 SELF DRIVE Act Congress


April 13, 2022


To the Members of the United States Congress:

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce strongly supports H.R. 3711, the SELF DRIVE Act, which would clarify the federal role in regulating autonomous vehicles, prevent a patchwork of state regulations by clarifying federal, state, and local responsibilities, and give the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration targeted rulemaking authority. Members of Congress who cosponsor this legislation will receive credit for the Leadership component of their “How They Voted” rating.

Autonomous vehicles present tremendous opportunities for consumers, businesses, and the U.S. economy by making travel safer, improving mobility for seniors and individuals with disabilities, and increasing transportation efficiency. Moreover, United States leadership in this space is critical to ensuring our global economic competitiveness in this cutting-edge technology.

However, regulatory and other barriers can impede the development of autonomous vehicles, leading to uncertainty for the private sector. H.R. 3711 is an important step towards capitalizing on the potential of autonomous vehicle technology in a manner that is technologically neutral and supports innovation and market competition. In the 115th Congress, the House of Representatives unanimously passed the SELF DRIVE Act with support across the political spectrum.

The Chamber urges you to cosponsor H.R. 3711.


Neil L. Bradley
Executive Vice President, Chief Policy Officer, and Head of Strategic Advocacy
U.S. Chamber of Commerce

220411 H R 3711 SELF DRIVE Act Congress