U S Chamber of Commerce EC Coalition Letter 6 26 24 APRA final


June 26, 2024


Dear Chair Rodgers and Ranking Member Pallone:

The undersigned business associations oppose H.R. 8818, the “American Privacy Rights Act” (“APRA”), as drafted, which your Committee is expected to consider soon. We do support a national privacy law that protects consumers, but this legislation would have serious negative consequences for the American economy and U.S. technological leadership. The costs of compliance and resulting inefficiencies would harm consumers through higher costs or reduced and inefficient services.

APRA would subject businesses, innovators, and entrepreneurs to more than ten new private causes of action. Similar private rights of action laws have driven away legitimate business in states that have implemented them. APRA would empower plaintiffs’ attorneys to engage in sue-and-settle tactics against small businesses, startups, and charities. Companies acting in good faith and not engaging in willfully harmful activity will be forced to agree to pay expensive settlements or risk costly litigation. APRA would also gut arbitration agreements and enable activists to weaponize private rights of action against non-profit organizations with whom they may disagree politically.

In addition, APRA would fail to establish a single, national privacy standard which is necessary to ensure certainty for both businesses and consumers. The APRA’s approach could cost the American economy as much as $1 trillion, with $200 billion being incurred by small businesses alone.

APRA would empower the trial bar to engage in litigation that could hinder the digital advertising ecosystem that has enabled people to do online research, get their news, and learn about educational and job opportunities without having to pay out of pocket. The ad-driven internet has enabled diverse viewpoints and products to enter the marketplace with low cost of entry. APRA would also dramatically limit, and in some cases, ban, the most effective forms of general advertising which drive competition, growth, and consumer satisfaction in today’s economy, and would provide the Federal Trade Commission sweeping new authorities to restrict data for advertising.  Such aggressive federal action would harm the online economic framework that has benefited consumers and businesses.

Universal “Do Not Collect” obligations, as included in APRA, would also endanger many societally beneficial uses of data like anti-fraud and security initiatives.

We oppose APRA as drafted.


America’s Credit Unions

American Financial Services Association

American Fintech Council

American Hotel & Lodging Association

American Property and Casualty Insurance Association

Association of National Advertisers

Association of Test Publishers

Direct Selling Association

FMI-The Food Industry Association

Insights Association

Interactive Advertising Bureau

International Franchise Association

National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies

National Association of REALTORS ®

National Business Coalition on E-Commerce & Privacy

National Restaurant Association

National Retail Federation

Privacy for America

Security Industry Association

Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council

U.S. Chamber of Commerce 

cc: Members of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce

U S Chamber of Commerce EC Coalition Letter 6 26 24 APRA final